Stanislava I. Narbut, the author of the first radish genetic collection in Russia

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Stanislava Iosifovna Narbut (1909–2001) was an agronomist, a graduate of the Leningrad Agricultural Institute. She worked as a Senior Researcher at the Plant Genetics Laboratory of the Biological Research Institute of the Leningrad State University from 1949 to 1985. S.I. Narbut was a creator of radish inbred lines genetic collection at Leningrad State University. This article discusses the main milestones of S.I. Narbut’s biography and presents a series of previously unpublished photographs and memoirs of her colleagues and students.


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. On the left — S.I. Narbut at field work. On the right — S.I. Narbut and the collection of inbred radish lines. Photo from the stand in Biological Research Institute (Leuchtenberg Palace)

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3. Fig. 2. Photos of S.I. Narbut from a personal file, 1949

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4. Fig. 3. On the test for the course of general plant breeding, which was taken by the senior researcher S.I. Narbut. Sergey Shestopalov, a 5th-year student of the Biology and Soil Science Faculty, answered. Photo by A. Gusev. 1972 [28]. Restored photo

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5. Fig. 4. S.I. Narbut with the seeds of the radish collection in his office (1980s)

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