Ecological genetics of Adalia beetles: variability and symbiotic bacteria in european populations of the ten-spot ladybird beetle Adalia decempunctata

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Background. Adalia decempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) — ten-spot ladybird beetle, widespread morphologically variable Palearctic species.

Materials and methods. DNA polymorphism and infection with Wolbachia, Spiroplasma and Rickettsia symbiotic bacteria were investigated.

Results. Eight different haplotypes of the mitochondrial COI gene, seven of which were previously unknown, were found in 92 A. decempunctata individuals from nine European collection places: Prague, Rome, Florence, Hamburg, Paris, Stockholm, Moscow, Feodosia and Yalta. A. decempunctata is less variable in mtDNA compared to A. bipunctata. Symbiotic bacteria Wolbachia and Spiroplasma were not detected. Only Rickettsia infestation was found in A. decempunctata specimens, gathered in Stockholm and Feodosia. Rickettsia from A. decempunctata from Feodosia and Stockholm differ by 0.5% in gltA gene. Rickettsia from A. decempunctata from Feodosia is clustered with Rickettsia from A. bipunctata and Coccinella sp. based on the analysis of the gltA gene.

Conclusion: Three of the eight mtDNA haplotypes are present in the A. decempunctata gene pool from geographically distant habitats. A small amount of nucleotide substitutions between Rickettsia from A. decempunctata and A. bipunctata suggests a single origin of the symbiont in the ladybirds of the genus Adalia, the results do not exclude subsequent horizontal transfers between individuals of both species.

About the authors

Elena V. Shaikevich

Vavilov Institute of General genetics

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6504-5547
SPIN-code: 4746-3067

Doctor of Science, Main Researcher, Laboratory of Insect Genetics

Russian Federation, 3, Gubkin street, Moscow, 119991

Ilya A. Zakharov

Vavilov Institute of General genetics


Doctor of Science, Main Researcher, Laboratory of Insect Genetics

Russian Federation, 3, Gubkin street, Moscow, 119991

Alois Honek

Crop Research Institute


Doctor of Science, Main Researcher

Czech Republic, 161 06 Czech Republic, Prague 6 – Ruzyně, Drnovská, 507. 


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Intraspecific polymorphism of mtDNA haplotypes of A. decempunctata. Eight variable haplotypes are represented on the network in proportion to their occurrence in the population

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3. Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree of Rickettsia based on gltA gene sequences. Hosts of the intracellular symbiotic bacteria Rickettsia and the places of their collection are indicated. The sequences obtained in this work are marked with black diamonds. Other sequences are selected from GenBank for comparison, registration numbers are given. Rickettsia from Ixodes colasbelcouri was used as an outgroup

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Copyright (c) 2019 Shaikevich E.V., Zakharov I.A., Honek A.

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