Prophylaxis and treatment of intraoperative extrahepatic biliary ducts injury in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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The article presents the modern classification of extrahepatic biliary ducts injuries in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Three groups of biliary ducts intraoperative injures risk factors are described. The basic methods of preoperative and intraoperative prophylaxis of the biliary ducts injury and diagnostic methods are offered. The variations of surgical correction according to the level of biliary ducts injury and time duration of injury are recommended.

About the authors

Yuri V. Ivanov

FGUZ "Clinical Hospital No. 83 of FMBA of Russia"; FGOU DPO "Institute for Advanced Studies of the FMBA of Russia"


Head of the Department of Endoscopy, KB No. 83, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Dmitriy V. Sazonov

FGUZ "Clinical Hospital No. 83 of FMBA of Russia"; FGOU DPO "Institute for Advanced Studies of the FMBA of Russia"

Author for correspondence.

Head of the Department of Endoscopy, KB No. 83, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Dmitriy P. Lebedev

FGUZ "Clinical Hospital No. 83 of FMBA of Russia"; FGOU DPO "Institute for Advanced Studies of the FMBA of Russia"


Radiologist of the Department of X-ray Surgical Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of KB No. 83

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Olga E. Nechaeva

FGUZ "Clinical Hospital No. 83 of FMBA of Russia"; FGOU DPO "Institute for Advanced Studies of the FMBA of Russia"


ultrasound doctor

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Stricture of the common hepatic duct after LCE.

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3. Fig. 2. Clipped and transected right lobar bile duct in LCE.

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4. Fig. 3. Clipped right lobar bile duct with LCE.

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5. Fig. 4. Disconnected choledocho-colonic fistula.

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6. Fig. 5. General view of the superimposed choledocho-jejuno anastomosis on the Roux-connected loop of the jejunum.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Ivanov Y.V., Sazonov D.V., Lebedev D.P., Nechaeva O.E.

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