Vol 1, No 4 (2010)


Greetings from the editor-in-chief

Kuzovlev O.P.


Dear Colleagues!
You are holding in your hands the new issue of Clinical Practice magazine. It opens with an editorial by A.V. Averyanov and A.G. Konoplyannikova, dedicated to the prospects of using stem cells in the treatment of respiratory diseases. This is the first review on this issue, published in the domestic scientific press, and I would like it to serve as an impetus for the start of research in the FMBA of Russia on the role of cellular technologies in respiratory pathology.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):2-2
pages 2-2 views

Cellular technologies in treatment of lung diseases - are whether prospects?

Averyanov A.V., Konoplyannikov A.G.


In the article the problem of treatment of lung pathology by cellular technologies is analyzed. Results of experiments, giving hopes for positive outcomes of clinical trials are summarized. Possible mechanisms of influence stem cells on regenerative processes in lungs are considered.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):3-11
pages 3-11 views

Radiofrequency ablation wpw syndrome in patient with ebstein's anomaly

Ardashev A.V., Zhelyakov E.G., Rybachenko M.S., Konev A.V.


The case history of 19-year old patient with Ebstein's anomaly and WPW syndrome, which was held surgical correction of cardiac arrhythmias by radiofrequency ablation is described. 3-year observation of patient confirmed the success of the operation – absence episodes of arrhythmia

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Case report of bilateral lungs infiltrates

Averyanov A.V., Chernyaev A.L., Lactionova L.V., Nosova N.V., Kemezh Y.V., Urazovsky N.Y.


Clinical analysis of the case report 54 years woman with the diagnosis a bilateral pneumonia is performed. At the inspection included thoracoscopic biopsy, one of forms idiopathic intersticial pneumonias – Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP) is revealed. In the article problems with which clinical physicians and diagnosticians meet during conducting patients with COP are discussed.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Case of successful treatment of pulmonary embolism with invasive methods

Alekseeva Y.M., Potievskaya V.I., Lebedev D.P., Agagulyan E.V.


This research is devoted to analyzing of the case of pulmonary embolism in a young woman with deep vein thrombosis taking oral contraceptives and successfully treated by surgical methods. Pulmonary angiography performed in patient L. allowed to confirm the diagnosis ofpulmonary embolism and reveal the localization of the thrombus. The treatment included selective thrombolysis by actilyse through catheter in the pulmonary artery. The treatment was not only non-invasive but included surgical intervention. Using of invasive methods, thrombolysis and anticoagulant medication allowed to stabilize the condition of the patient and prevent development of right ventricular failure.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Anemia and intersticial pneumonia as system manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis: the case report

Sajkovsky R.S., Verhotin A.A., Chigirina Y.A., Antonova E.A., Lesnyak V.N.


The short literature review of the problem of anemia and lung lesions as a systemic manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are presented. The anemia as a chronic disease occurs in RA patients most frequently, the mechanisms of its development are presented. The description of the variants of the lung lesions is performed. There is the description of the patient case report, has suffered from RA with such main clinical manifestations as anemia and interstitial pneumonia.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Intensive therapy of viral-bacterial pneumonia in 52 year woman: the case report

Bujnov V.N., Rudov A.G., Antipin V.V., Palamarchuk V.A., Usov R.S., Chalkin V.V.


The analysis of the case report 52 years patients who have suffered the heavy form of flu H1N1, accompanied by the acute respiratory distress-syndrome, was on long lung ventilation is presented. Own author's position concerning preventive of hospital infections resistance is resulted Practical recommendations on manage patients with acute respiratory failure are given.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Clinical tryals of tolerability and safety of lyophilic «layfferon», 9 000 000 iu for intramuscular solution with participation of healthy volunteers

Ryndyuk N.N., Ginko Z.I., Aleynikov R.P., Vasilevich I.V., Kuzubov V.I., Usova S.V., Muhina O.N., Sharypova M.G., Targonskiy S.N.


In the article results of clinical tryal of the new drug containing interferon – Layfferon, 9000000 IUintramuscular solution in healthy volunteers are presented.Safety and tolerability of the new dosage of Layfferon was estimated on the basis of supervision over a condition of volunteers, clinical and laboratory inspection within 30 day after introduction of a preparation.As a result of test it has been established, that Layfferone a doze 9 000 000 IUt is safe and tolerated. Study results have allowed to create the instruction on application for new dosage of the drug.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):35-40
pages 35-40 views

The role of myocardium revascularization in prevention of acute coronary syndrome complications

Medvedeva I.G., Falaleev V.L.


The analysis of cardiovascular pathology at the attached working population is performed. To 85 patients operative interventions on restoration of a coronary blood flow have been made. As a result within the first year of supervision work capacity has been restored at 90 % of patients. Among the survived patients who have undergone a heart attack received only conservative treatment 79 % of persons have returned to work.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):41-44
pages 41-44 views

Lung function disorders in screening-diagnostics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Makarkin A.S., Novozhilov V.K., Shestovitsky V.A., Samarina S.A., Lutsenko E.V., Osipova T.M., Makarevich E.V.


Screening spirometry of river transport workers was performed. From 1536 tests, the obstructive disorders corresponding functional diagnosis of COPD are revealed in 219 cases. From them of 66,2% it was necessary on patients with FEV1≥ 80%, FEV1/FVC ≤70%. Results of research prove, that spirometry as routine inspections allows to reveal COPD patients at early stages of disease before development of clinical complaints.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):45-47
pages 45-47 views

Historical and modern aspects of bacteriophages application: experience and prospects

Akimkin V.G., Darbeeva O.S., Kolkov V.F.


In the article questions of history, the present condition and prospect of bacteriophages are stated. Bacteriophages are continued to use alongside with antibiotics for treatment and prevent of acuteintestinal infections, purulent-septic and other diseases. Modern treatment-and-prophylactic bacteriophages are the complex polyclonal high virulent bacterial viruses which have been specially picked up against frequent infections.Considering a problem of antibiotic resistance and also the saved up database of bacteriophages efficiency, their application for prophylaxis and treatments may be one of perspective directions

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2010;1(4):48-54
pages 48-54 views

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