Modern development strategies in hospital care

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The article presents the results of modern development strategies of inpatient care in the modernization of the federal multidisciplinary clinic. The problems of health care development in Russian Federation and the possible ways of solution on the local level are discussed to improve the quality and accessibility of medical aid.Keywords: modernization of health care, inpatient care

About the authors

L. V. Laktionova

FGUZ Clinical Hospital No. 83 FMBA of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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  8. Лактионова Людмила Валентиновна — заместитель главного врача по медицинской части ФГУЗ КБ № 83 ФМБА России, кандидат медицинских наук Тел.: (495) 395-61 -97, e-mail:

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