Physical properties of magnetic film structures and mechanism of their therapeutic effect

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The article sets out in details the structure, physical properties and processes of interaction with the surrounding bodies of the magnetic film structures and their possible impact on biostructures and systems of the organism. The mechanism of therapeutic effect of the magnetic films is justified and described. 

About the authors

G. V. Dyatchina

FGUZ Clinical Hospital No. 83 FMBA of Russia; FGOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia; Department of Restorative Medicine, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Balneology and Physiotherapy

Author for correspondence.

candidate of medical sciences, head. Department of Physiotherapy FGUZ KB No. 83 FMBA of Russia

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

O. P. Kuzovlev

FGUZ Clinical Hospital No. 83 FMBA of Russia; FGOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia; Department of Restorative Medicine, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Balneology and Physiotherapy


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Physician of FGUZ KB No. 83 FMBA of Russia

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

V. E. Illarionov



Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Restorative Medicine, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Balneology and Physiotherapy IPK FMBA of Russia, Department of Restorative Medicine, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Balneology and Physiotherapy FSOU DPO IPK FMBA Russia

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2011 Dyatchina G.V., Kuzovlev O.P., Illarionov V.E.

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