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There is a large amount of literature data that shows the effectiveness of cell therapy using mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), as on preclinical models and in some clinical studies in small groups of patients.Currently the use of MSC in clinical practice is limited by security considerations. Potential risks associated with their proliferative capacity, the risk of infectious complications, as well as the possible immunogenicity of the cells themselves.Foreign researchers analyzed on the basis of a literature review, the results of which evaluated the clinical safety of MSCs. The article presents the results of our monitoring of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which received MSCs in the Department of pathology bowel. The results of our study, and the results, given in the review, should provide scientists and policy-makers the confidence that according to available scientific data an innovative method of cell therapy is safe for clinical use.

About the authors

O V Knyazev


заведующий отделением воспалительных заболеваний кишечника ГБУЗ МКНЦ ДЗМ, д.м.н.

A G Konoplyannikov

Медицинский радиологический научный центр МЗ РФ

профессор, заведующий отделением клеточной и экспериментальной лучевой терапии Медицинского радиологического научного центра МЗ и СР РФ 249036,г. Обнинск, Калужской области, ул. Королева, 4

A I Parfenov


профессор, заведующий отделом патологии кишечника ГБУЗ МКНЦ ДЗМ

I N Ruchkina


A A Churikova


E A Albulova


S V Bykova


O N Boldyreva


N A Fadeeva


A A Lishinskaya


E Yu Bondarenko


A V Kagramanova



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Copyright (c) 2014 Knyazev O.V., Konoplyannikov A.G., Parfenov A.I., Ruchkina I.N., Churikova A.A., Albulova E.A., Bykova S.V., Boldyreva O.N., Fadeeva N.A., Lishinskaya A.A., Bondarenko E.Y., Kagramanova A.V.

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