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The article summarizes contemporary scientific concepts of brain organization and structure. For the first time we developed information principles of brain functioning and the basics of information communicative theory of brain. Here we demonstrate that information commutative organization (ICO) of brain has multilevel structure of open type represented by the block of information capture and transfer (BICT) and the block of information processing (BIP). BICT is a switchboard with information dispatcher and router in nervous tissue (NT). BICT has system vertical and complex horizontal commutation. Brain ICPs are presented as interthecal information registers (ITIRs) that provide extraneural information processing in subarachnoid space (SAS) and subdural space (SDS) above brain. The arcs of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes close in SAS extraneurally when electro-magnetic waves (EMWs) of cortical ICM subscribers are reflected from the arachnoid mater and information is automatically sent to ICM receivers of brain cortex (reflectory ITIRs). Information processing (analysis, synthesis, calculations) is based on dissipation of EMWs of cortical NT ICMs in SAS and SDS cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) forming support and object EMWs, which, being reflected from the arachnoid or dura mater form holograms of information images matrixes (IIMs) by interference, diffraction and superimposition while IIMs are the basics of brain cognitive functions (cognitive ITIRs). The theory of brain can become a new milestone in the development of therapies of nervous diseases, neuromorphic computation, innovative systems of artificial intellect and novel approaches to brain-computer interface.

About the authors

A S Bryukhovetskiy


Email: neurovita
генеральный директор клиники востановительной и интервенционной неврологии «Нейровита» (г. Москва), Руководитель Центра биомедицинских технологий ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России, д.м.н., профессор.


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