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The review provides information about various aspects of anticoagulant treatment organization. The recommendations concerning the organization of a specialized anticoagulant service are discussed. The rules of patient education, the choice of anticoagulant dosage control are described. Authors provide data of the cost-effectiveness of anticoagulants.

About the authors

D A Zateyshchikov

МЦ Управления Делами Президента России

профессор кафедры кардиологии и общей терапии МЦ Управления Делами Президента, д.м.н.

M Yu Isaeva


врач-кардиолог КДЦ ФНКЦ ФМБА России, к.м.н.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Zateyshchikov D.A., Isaeva M.Y.

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