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The article is dedicated to CTdiagnostics of aneurisms of unpaired visceral branches of abdominal aorta. All cases, described in the article, are accidental findings, as a result of their asymptomatic course and extremely rare occasions. The most frequent aneurisms of spleen artery are registered (60% ), hepatic artery (1640%). In the most cases, aneurisms of visceral branches do not reveal themselves. However, one of the most dangerous complication of abdominal aorta visceral branches aneurisms is spontaneous intraperitoneal bleeding.

About the authors

Yu V Kemez


врач отделения рентгенологии ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России, к.м.н.

A Yu Eremeicheva


врач отделения рентгенологии ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России, к.м.н.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kemez Y.V., Eremeicheva A.Y.

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