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The incidence of diabetes mellitus is so high that it is called a pandemici of XXI century. The search for diabetes therapies continues and today we can significantly reduce the risk of complications and treatment costs. Doctorpatient interaction in the "Diabetes school" allows people with diabetes to have a greater confidence and the ability to manage their treatment effectively. Patient education plays a key role in the management of diabetes all around the world.

About the authors

O I Vinogradskaya

МСЧ 95 ГУЗ ЦМСЧ 119 ФМБА России

Email: studyx@mail.ru

O E Kholodov

МСЧ 95 ГУЗ ЦМСЧ 119 ФМБА России

Email: msch-95@rambler.ru
зам.главного врача

A B Belyaev

МСЧ 95 ГУЗ ЦМСЧ 119 ФМБА России

Email: msch-95@rambler.ru
начальник МСЧ 95


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Copyright (c) 2011 Vinogradskaya O.I., Kholodov O.E., Belyaev A.B.

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