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Based on experience and analysis of a few articles, devoted to this topic, the authors diagnose and describe the clinical case of the rare symptoms' group, associated with taking of hydroxychloroquine by the patient with sarcoidosis and diabetes type 1. The diagnostics of this lesion is difficult problem in the regular ophthalmologic practice, because of the uncommon disease, the lack of information and continuity between specialists, especially rheumatologists and pulmonologists. The recommendations of American Academy of Ophthalmology for effective screening of patients undergoing hydroxychloroquine therapy are given in this report.

About the authors

A A Kazaryan


зав. офтальмологическим отделением ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России, д.м.н.

E Nikolaevna Ponomareva


врач офтальмологического отделения ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России


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