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To determine the prognosis and prognostic factors in series of mucinous tumors of the ovary (MTO) we included 34 patients in our retrospective review. Criteria were defined: 1.centralized histological review by our expert pathologist; 2. high risk of peritoneal pseudomyxoma or any synchronous malignant tumor in the abdominal cavity; 3. available data on the management and outcomes of patients. We found specific markers overexpression in mucinous ovarian tumors compared to their normal ovary tissues and serous type ovarian tumors by analysis of serum CA 19,9, CEA and immunohistochemistry. These results suggest that mucinous tumors of the ovary have distinctive cancergenesis and may attribute to the progression of the mucinous ovarian cancer.

About the authors

A G Kedrova

ФГУЗ КБ № 83 ФМБА России

S A Levakov

ФГУЗ КБ № 83 ФМБА России

O R Shablovskiy

ФГУЗ КБ № 83 ФМБА России

N S Vanke

ФГУЗ КБ № 83 ФМБА России

O V Nechaeva

ФГУЗ КБ № 83 ФМБА России

T A Maksimenko

ФГУЗ КБ № 83 ФМБА России


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Copyright (c) 2010 Kedrova A.G., Levakov S.A., Shablovskiy O.R., Vanke N.S., Nechaeva O.V., Maksimenko T.A.

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