The capabilities of MRI in the lung lesions diagnosis in patients with COVID-19

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Backgrounds. The imaging diagnostic methods have become particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic, and computed tomography of the thorax (CT) is considered to be the “gold standard” in the cases of lung lesions and in the evaluation of changes in the pulmonary parenchyma in dynamics. However, it is well known that the CT method is associated with a significant radiation dose, especially given the fact that repeated, and often reiterated control CT-tests are required for many patients who suffer COVID-19 or have recovered from the disease. In order to reduce the potential radiation exposure and receive some additional diagnostic information, we applied the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method for viral pneumonia at the FRCC of FMBA of Russia, which was redesigned as a center for the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

Aim. The aim is to evaluate the possibilities of the lung MRI in the diagnosis of pneumonia caused by the new coronaviral infection, to describe the specific symptoms of lung parenchyma lesions using various pulse sequences, and compare the results with the CT data.

Methods. The article is based on the practice of applying high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and MRI of the lungs in 15 patients with pneumonia caused by COVID-19.

Results. The comparison of the HRCT data and T2-weighted images (T2-WI) in 100% of cases revealed a complete correlation in the size, number and position of the lung tissue areas with reduced air saturation by the type of ground glass opacity and the consolidation zones. The level of linear and reticular changes detection in MRI reached 73.3%. Free fluid in the pleural cavities in a moderate and minimal volume was revealed on T2-WI in 12 patients (80% of cases), while it was not diagnosed by HRCT in all the cases. The mediastinal and intra-pulmonary lymph nodes were visualized distinctly. In T1-weighted images (T1-WI), the areas of ground glass opacity were either not visualized, or were represented by smaller areas when compared to the HRCV data and reticular changes were also displayed worse. In 73.3% cases, the consolidation zones on T1-WI fully corresponded or were almost similar in characteristics to changes visualized by HRCT. At the same time, it is worth noting that performing T1-WI out phase more clearly displayed the consolidation zones when compared to T1-WI in phase. Foci of increased signal on T1-WI with fat suppression were registered in 3 patients against the background of consolidation sites which in comparison with the data of T2-WI, would suggest the presence of parenchymal hemorrhages.

Conclusion. Lung MRI is a fairly sensitive method for identifying areas of ground glass opacity and consolidation, reticular changes and lymphadenopathy, and is superior to HRCT when displaying pleural effusion. Chest MRI may be recommended as a diagnostic method for suspected pulmonary COVID-19 lesion in children and pregnant women in order to exclude ionizing radiation exposure, as well as for monitoring the condition of lung tissue after viral pneumonia, if the patient was previously exposed to a high radiation dose.

About the authors

Viktor N. Lesnyak

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2739-0649
SPIN-code: 5483-3113


Russian Federation, Moscow

Veronika A. Zhuravleva

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0558-1142
Russian Federation, Moscow

Aleksander V. Averyanov

Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1031-6933
SPIN-code: 2229-7100


Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Patient, 53 years old, there are multiple areas of "ground glass" located in all lobes, mainly peribronchovascular, with fuzzy contours - stage CT2 (A); hyperintense areas similar in size, number and localization are visualized on Т٢-scans obtained using the PROPELLER FS pulse sequence (B); on T1-VI, the changes described above are practically invisible (B)

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3. Fig. 2. Patient, 28 years old, according to HRCT in the left lung, extensive zones of consolidation of a confluent nature are revealed, against which air strips of the bronchi are visible (positive bronchogram). Smaller areas of compaction of the lung tissue are visualized in the cortical layer of the right lung (A); on T2-VI, performed using the PROPELLER FS pulse mode, the consolidation zones correspond to hyperintense areas that completely coincide in size and localization with the data obtained with HRCT (B); on T1-VI, affected areas are displayed by areas of medium signal intensity, somewhat smaller in comparison with HRCT and T2-VI

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4. Fig. 3. Patient, 51 years old, according to HRCT in S6 of the right lung, a large area of ​​"ground glass" is visualized, turning into consolidation, against the background of which reticular changes are recorded, represented by a thickened intralobular interstitium, which is clearly visible both on HRCT sections and T2-VI (A, B, arrows). In addition, T2-WI allows you to confidently identify thickening of the interstitium along the vessels, individual interlobular septa - short arrows). TS sequences make it possible to clearly differentiate enlarged lymph nodes (B, triangular arrow). T1-WI does not allow to fully visualize both changes in the parenchyma and interstitial manifestations of lung damage (B)

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5. Fig. 4. T2-WI MRI has significant advantages over HRCT in detecting small volumes of fluid in the pleural cavities. Small bilateral hydrothorax in patient B., 69 years old (stage CT1), is confidently detected on T2 MRI (arrows, A) and practically does not appear on HRCT sections (B)

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6. Fig. 5. Patient, 56 years old, severe course of COVID 19. At HRCT, the presence of multiple average size zones of consolidation in various segments of the lungs, mainly peribronchovascular and subpleural localization (A). MRI in the lower lobe of the right lung, along with hyperintense zones along T2 (C, arrow), revealed different-sized foci of an increased signal on T1-WI (B, arrows). The detected changes are regarded as alveolar hemorrhages.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Lesnyak V.N., Zhuravleva V.A., Averyanov A.V.

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