The role of OCT angiography in a study of retinal perfusion after endovitreal intervention due to rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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OCT angiography is a non-invasive method of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the retinal perfusion. After rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and vitrectomy with endotamponade, the retinal perfusion changes. Aim: To analyze the data from the clinical studies that evaluate the changes in the blood microcirculation of the retina and choroid and theireffect on the visual acuity by OCTA after vitrectomy with endotamponade due to rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. A literature search was conducted using PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Embase until April, 2020. The authors conclude that the specific changes in the retinal perfusion after vitrectomy due to regmatogenous retinal detachment using various types of tamponade may act as predictors of visual outcomes, and also may become a basis for determining the optimal time of the silicone oil tamponade resolution. Evaluation of these changes according to the data obtained using OCTA is promising and little-studied. Thus, additional clinical studies are required.

About the authors

Rinat R. Fayzrakhmanov

National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov; Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians N.I. Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4341-3572
SPIN-code: 1620-0083

MD, PhD, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow

Anna V. Sukhanova

Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians N.I. Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8482-5637
SPIN-code: 8306-6010
Russian Federation, Moscow

Oleg A. Pavlovsky

National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov; Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians N.I. Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3470-6282
SPIN-code: 6781-1504

Врач-Офтальмолог, аспирант кафедры Глазных болезней.

Russian Federation, Moscow

Evgenia A. Larina

National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov; Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians N.I. Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5343-3350
SPIN-code: 8969-9526

postgraduate student of ophthalmology at Pirogov’s National Medical Research Center

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2020 Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Sukhanova A.V., Pavlovsky O.A., Larina E.A.

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