Hereditary breast cancer: present status of problem

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The incidence of breast cancer is increasing in most countries every year. The purpose of this literature review is to provide up-to-date information about the causes, mechanisms of development, various methods of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of hereditary breast cancer. The effectiveness of bilateral preventive mastectomy is discussed.

About the authors

F. S. Gatueva

Oncological clinical dispensary

Author for correspondence.

врач-онколог 3-го хирургического отделения

Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz, The Republic of North Ossetia — Alania

L. N. Lyubchenko

N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Centre of Oncology, Health Ministry of Russia

SPIN-code: 9589-9057

д.м.н., заведующая лабораторией клинической онкогенетики

Russian Federation, Moscow

S. E. Malygin

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

SPIN-code: 7066-0295

MD, PhD, assistant professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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