The chest pain in neurological practice. Non deesset...

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Chest pain can be a “mask” of a life-threatening condition, which the practitioner must remember. One of such life-threatening condition is aortic aneurysm, which diagnosis presents significant difficulties in routine clinical practice. Clinical manifestations of thoracic aortic aneurysms are extremely variable and non-specific and are mainly depends on the size of the aneurysmal sac, its localization and extent, as well as the etiology of the disease. Here we present a clinical case report of a 48 y.o. patient who died because of the acute cardiac tamponade as a complication of dissecting thoracic aorta aneurysm. The lack of symptoms and clinical instrumental data, initially suggesting the presence of life-threatening disease did not allow the physician to suspect aortic aneurysm and urgently take action regarding it.

About the authors

Elena V. Shirshova

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia


д-р мед. наук, зав. отделением неврологии с ОНМК

Russian Federation, Moscow

O. Y. Annenkova

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

Author for correspondence.

врач-невролог отделения неврологии с ОНМК

Russian Federation, Moscow

E. V. Ekusheva

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; Academy of Postgraduate Education under the FSBU «Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Assistance and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical Biological Agency»

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3638-6094
SPIN-code: 8828-0015

MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the department of neurology

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. N. Petrov

Academy of Postgraduate Education under the FSBU «Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Assistance and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical Biological Agency»


канд. мед. наук, сотрудник кафедры нервных болезней

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2019 Shirshova E.V., Annenkova O.Y., Ekusheva E.V., Petrov V.N.

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