The organizations of specialized medical care for patients with headache

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Primary headaches are common diseases in the clinical practice. Affecting the active, able-bodied population, impairing the quality of life and causing social maladjustment, they are of immense social significance. The medical care for patients with headaches ought to be complex and include a patient’s educational program, rational pharmaceutical therapy, detection and correction of comorbid functional disorders, nonpharmaceutical therapy. Despite an adequate therapy, the treatment satisfaction remains low and stimulates development of individualized treatment algorithms, that take into account the patient’s personal characteristics. They should be applicable both for the self treatment and for the use in the neurological and general practice.

About the authors

Liudmila I. Baiushkina

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); Alexander Vein Headache Clinic

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3741-5528
SPIN-code: 4571-3010

cоискатель канд. мед. наук; врач-невролог 

Russian Federation, Мoscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The structure of primary headaches in the Clinic of headache and autonomic disorders named. Academician Alexander Wayne in 2018

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3. Fig. 2. The reasons for seeking help at the Clinic of headache and autonomic disorders named after Academician Alexander Wayne

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4. Fig. 3. Patient satisfaction with various treatment regimens at the Clinic of Headache and Autonomic Disorders named after Academician Alexander Wayne

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