First experience of simultaneous extrapleural lung resection with silicone plombage for widespread drug-resistant destructive pulmonary tuberculosis: a case report

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Background. The increase of the number of patients with drug-resistant forms of disseminated destructive lung tuberculosis dictates not only expansion of indications for a surgical treatment but development of new intraoperative techniques, which may reduce the risks of postsurgical complications and further progressing of tuberculosis. For a long-lasting chronic course of destructive drug-resistant tuberculosis, it is often impossible to reach the process stabilization necessary for a successful lung resection. Toracoplasty usually performed when the resection intervention is contraindicated is not only traumatic for a patient but also does not provide the proper lung compression.

Clinical case description. The clinical case is presented by disseminated fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis with a wide drug resistance of the pathogen, with the cavernous changes observed against the background of the pronounced lung tissue cirrhosis. To achieve the effect, we performed extrapleural lung resection followed by the immediate extrapleural silicone plombage in order to prevent overextension of the remaining part of the lung. The histological study data confirm the significant degree of the tuberculosis inflammation activity, in spite of the preceding long-term antituberculosis therapy.

Conclusion. Due to the low trauma and high efficiency, the operation of simultaneous extrapleural pneumolysis with silicone implant plombage may be used in the complex treatment of disseminated destructive pulmonary MDR/XDR TB with a chronic relapsing course of the disease.

About the authors

Elena V. Krasnikova

Central Research Institute of the Tuberculosis

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5879-7062
SPIN-code: 4252-8340

Senior scientific researcher, Surgical Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

L. N. Lepeha

Central Research Institute of the Tuberculosis

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6894-2411
SPIN-code: 6228-8382

докт. биол. наук, профессор, руководитель отдела патоморфологии, клеточной биологии и биохимии

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. K. Aliev

Central Research Institute of the Tuberculosis

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0105-1980
SPIN-code: 7069-7778

мл. науч. сотр.

Russian Federation, Moscow

R. V. Tarasov

Central Research Institute of the Tuberculosis

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9498-1142
SPIN-code: 4245-1560

лаборант-исследователь отдела хирургии

Russian Federation, Moscow

A. E. Ergeshova

Central Research Institute of the Tuberculosis

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7027-3598
SPIN-code: 6949-9530

врач-хирург 2-го хирургического отделения

Russian Federation, Moscow

M. A. Bagirov

Central Research Institute of the Tuberculosis

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9788-1024
SPIN-code: 8820-5448

докт. мед. наук, руководитель отдела хирургии

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. X-ray (A) and CT (B) examination of the chest organs of patient A. upon admission (description in the text)

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3. Fig. 2. The position of the implant in the extrapleural space after resection of the upper lobe of the right lung

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4. Fig. 3. The removed fragment of the lung with fibrous cavity

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5. Fig. 4. A - morphological signs of progression of fibro-cavernous tuberculosis, hematogenous screening site. B - melting of caseous masses with leukocyte infiltration of the walls of the tuberculous cavity. Hematoxylin and eosin stain × 120

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6. Fig. 5. X-ray examination from 07/04/16 and CT of the chest organs from 06/22/2016 at discharge

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Copyright (c) 2019 Krasnikova E.V., Lepeha L.N., Aliev V.K., Tarasov R.V., Ergeshova A.E., Bagirov M.A.

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