Laser vision correction among Kuzbass miners

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Background. In the structure of Kuzbass miners’ ophthalmopathology, disorders of refraction and accommodation occupy the first place. Excimer laser vision correction is the only acceptable method for correcting various refractive errors that allows miners engaged in the underground coal mining to remain in their profession and continue their career.

Objective. To assess the long-term results of excimer laser refractive surgery in miners to evaluate this method as a means of vocational rehabilitation.

Material and methods. A survey was conducted in the main group including 135 Kuzbass miners who underwent excimer laser vision correction for professional reasons. The comparison group consisted of 135 patients of various professions unrelated to coal mining who met the general selection criteria. All the patients underwent an extended range of ophthalmologic examinations.

Results. The visus in both eyes in the comparison group was 1.2 (1.0–1.2), in the group of miners — 1.0 (0.9–1.2), p<0.05. The values of the sphere and cylinder in the groups are mainly in the range of residual myopia. The clinically significant correlation of the index of contrast sensitivity was established with the visual acuity, age of patients, the period after the operation, and underground experience in the group of miners. In the group of miners, OCT-detected changes are twice as common as they are in the control group, and peculiarities of the anterior segment are 1.5 times more frequent, according to biomicroscopy.

Conclusion. The obtained clinical and functional results of excimer laser operations enable professional rehabilitation of miners engaged in the underground work, and provide a high level of occupational safety.

About the authors

Anna V. Aksyonenko

Kemerovo State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7374-3882

postgraduate at the Department of surgical dentistry, maxillofacial surgery with a course of ophthalmology

Russian Federation, st. Voroshilova 22a, Kemerovo 650056


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The distribution of myopia by degrees in groups

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