Pulmonary rehabilitation of chronic pulmonary diseases (the review of clinical trials, national and international recommendations)

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The review of data from randomized clinical trials, results of systematic reviews, international and national clinical recommendations on the problem of pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic pulmonary disease was carried out. This analysis of the studies included the databases eLibrary, Medline, PubMed and Cochrane libraries on the problem of pathophysiology and methods of physical rehabilitation of chronic pulmonary disease. The analysis took into account the opinions of expert groups of clinical recommendations developers of the Russian respiratory society, the European respiratory society, and the American thoracic society, presented in this review. The data of studies confirm the clinical effectiveness of physical rehabilitation methods for chronic pulmonary disease that take into account the unique needs of a complex patient. Pulmonary rehabilitation improves the physical activity, quality of life associated with health, reduces the incidence of exacerbations and mortality of patients with chronic pulmonary disease. Increasing the availability and improving pulmonary rehabilitation programs based on individual assessment of the patient's physical capabilities will increase the use of this method of treatment.

About the authors

Tatiana N. Bilichenko

Federal Pulmonology Research Institute; Medical and rehabilitation center "Podmoskov'e"

Author for correspondence.
Email: tbilichenko@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3138-3625
SPIN-code: 4671-0084
Scopus Author ID: 112553
ResearcherId: X-9817-2018


Russian Federation, 28, Orekhovy blvd, Moscow, 115682; Moscow


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