Prevention of thromboembolic complications in the laparoscopic treatment of obese patients

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Obesity is an additional high-risk factor in the development of thromboembolic complications (TEC) in the surgical treatment. 110 cases of obese patients who underwent a treatment at the Surgical Department from January, 2015 to March, 2018. Prior to the operation, all the patients received a medication to prevent thromboembolic complications, while intermittent pneumocompression was applied during the surgery. The use of intermittent pneumocompression of the lower extremities in the laparoscopic surgical treatment of obese patients reduces the amount of venous thromboembolic complications via normalization of the intravenous haemodynamics

About the authors

M. A. Burikov

Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FMBA), Southern District Center of Medicine, Rostov Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.

к.м.н., заведующий хирургическим отделением Ростовской клинической больницы Южного окружного медицинского центра ФМБА России

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

I. V. Skazkin

Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FMBA), Southern District Center of Medicine, Rostov Clinical Hospital


к.м.н., врач-хирург Ростовской клинической больницы Южного окружного медицинского центра ФМБА России

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

O. V. Shulgin

Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FMBA), Southern District Center of Medicine, Rostov Clinical Hospital


врач-хирург, заведующий трансфузиологическим кабинетом Ростовской клинической больницы Южного окружного медицинского центра ФМБА России

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

A. I. Kinyakin

Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FMBA), Southern District Center of Medicine, Rostov Clinical Hospital


врач-хирург Ростовской клинической больницы Южного окружного медицинского центра ФМБА России

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

I. A. Sokirenko

Rostov State Medical University


аспирант кафедры хирургических болезней № 1 РостГМУ

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

N. V. Volkova

Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FMBA), Southern District Center of Medicine, Rostov Clinical Hospital


врач-анестезиолог Ростовской клинической больницы Южного окружного медицинского центра ФМБА России

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don


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Copyright (c) 2018 Burikov M.A., Skazkin I.V., Shulgin O.V., Kinyakin A.I., Sokirenko I.A., Volkova N.V.

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