Impulse оscillometry in the diagnosis of moderate airway obstruction

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Background: Impulse oscillometry (IOS) is a non-invasive method for determining respiratory impedance and its parameters. IOS has certain advantages over traditional spirometry.

Aim: To assess the potential of IOS in the diagnosis of moderately severe airway obstruction.

Methods: We examined 53 patients divided in two groups. The first group consisted of 29 patients (26 males and 3 females aged 42 to 89 years) with moderately severe obstructive abnormalities; the second group included 24 patients (17 males and 7 females aged from 18 to 68 years) without ventilatory defects.

Results: Obstructive abnormalities were detected by IOS in 93% of patients in group 1, and the severity of obstruction was more pronounced compared to the results of spirometry in 37% of patients. In group 2, the IOS parameters were normal. There were significant differences in the lung function and IOS parameters between the first and second groups. There were significant correlations between airway resistance and IOS parameters in patients with moderately severe obstructive abnormalities.

Conclusion: Thus impulse oscillometry can be used in the clinical practice to diagnose disorders of respiratory mechanics in patients with moderately severe airway obstruction.

About the authors

O. I. Savushkina

Acad. N.N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Defense

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Head of Department of Lung Function Testing, Center of Functional Diagnostic Investigations

Russian Federation, 3, Gospitalnaya square, Moscow, 105229

A. V. Chernyak

Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2001-5504
SPIN-code: 9328-6440

PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Functional and Ultrasonic Research Methods

Russian Federation, 115682, Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, d. 28

E. V. Kryukov

Acad. N.N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Defense

SPIN-code: 3900-3441

докт. мед. наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН; начальник

Russian Federation, 3, Gospitalnaya square, Moscow, 105229

A. A. Zaytsev

Acad. N.N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Defense

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0934-7313
SPIN-code: 6549-5154

докт. мед. наук, профессор, главный пульмонолог

Russian Federation, 3, Gospitalnaya square, Moscow, 105229

Zh. K. Naumenko

Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia

SPIN-code: 7191-1758

канд. мед. наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории функциональных и ультразвуковых методов исследования

Russian Federation, 28, Orekchovy Boulevard, Moscow, 115682 

A. R. Tatarsky

Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia


докт. мед. наук, профессор, руководитель образовательного центра

Russian Federation, 28, Orekchovy Boulevard, Moscow, 115682


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. Spearman's rank correlation

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Copyright (c) 2018 Savushkina O.I., Chernyak A.V., Kryukov E.V., Zaytsev A.A., Naumenko Z.K., Tatarsky A.R.

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