Historical aspects of legal regulation of pharmacy as structural units of large organizations

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Along with the development and improvement of the structure of medical organizations, much attention is paid to the drug provision of the therapeutic and diagnostic process in them, which contributes to improving the quality of medical care.

    Our theoretical research is based on a practical analysis of empirical data of regulatory and legal acts and documents regulating the issues of drug provision of medical organizations in Russia and abroad. Structural and functional analysis by the authors was used in the study of abstract and full-text databases published in digital online resources with materials of drug provision for medical and diagnostic work; infographics and scientific articles.

The study has revealed that a number of requirements for pharmaceutical activities of pharmacy organizations and modern requirements for drug provision for the implementation of therapeutic and diagnostic activities do not correspond to the dynamic development of drug provision for patients of medical organizations.

We came to the conclusion that, in modern conditions of the development of medical care to the population, in general, there are enough regulatory legal acts and documents for the organization of the work of pharmacy organizations as structural divisions of medical organizations. But, if we take into account the diversity of medical organizations, their profile, the possibility of changing the structure of medical departments, directions of medical care, then this may require changing the nomenclature of ready-made and manufactured medicines in specific conditions.

As the results of the study have shown, joint efforts of all stakeholders in pharmacy and healthcare, as well as regulators of pharmaceutical and medical activities are needed to develop standard organizational and methodological recommendations for medical organizations carrying out medical and diagnostic activities based on the best traditions of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) and the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). At the heart of this work, in our opinion, it is necessary to organize experimental studies using functional mathematical models of pharmacy activity in a number of therapeutic and preventive medical organizations to digitalize the organization of drug provision in them with expert evaluation of the results by specialists of all interested parties.

About the authors

Vladimir V. Perelygin

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Email: vladimir.pereligin@pharminnotech.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0999-5644
SPIN-code: 3128-7451
ResearcherId: AAV-6556-2020

Doctor of Medicine (MD), Professor, Head of the Industrial Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Elisaveta V. Pokhvalenko

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Email: elisaveta.pokhvalenko@pharminnotech.com
SPIN-code: 7313-3511

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Economics

Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург

Natalia G. Zolotareva

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Email: natalia.zolotareva@pharminnotech.com
SPIN-code: 5935-6722

Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Economics

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Mikhail V. Zharikov

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: zharikov.mihail@pharminnotech.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0720-501X
SPIN-code: 7818-7228
ResearcherId: AAS-9156-2021

Master Student

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Stages of drug treatment in medical organizations

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Copyright (c) 2022 Перелыгин В.В., Похваленко Е.В., Золотарева Н.Г., Жариков М.В.

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