Classification of the presence of malignant lesions on mammogram using deep learning

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BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality in women [1]. Regular mass screening with mammography plays a critical role in the early detection of changes in breast tissue. However, the early stages of pathology often go undetected and are difficult to diagnose [2].

Despite the effectiveness of mammography in reducing breast cancer mortality, manual image analysis can be time consuming and labor intensive. Therefore, attempts to automate this process, for example using computer-aided diagnosis systems, are relevant [3]. In recent years, however, solutions based on neural networks have gained increasing interest, especially in biology and medicine [4-6]. Technological advances using artificial intelligence have already demonstrated their effectiveness in pathology detection [7, 8].

AIM: The study aimed to develop an automated solution to detect breast cancer on mammograms.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The solution is implemented as follows: a deep neural network-based tool has been developed to obtain the probability of malignancy from the input image. A combined dataset from public datasets such as MIAS, CBIS-DDSM, INbreast, CMMD, KAU-BCMD, and VinDr-Mammo [9–14] was used to train the model.

RESULTS: The classification model, based on the EfficientNet-B3 architecture, achieved an area under the ROC curve of 0.95, a sensitivity of 0.88, and a specificity of 0.9 when tested on a sample from the combined dataset. The model’s high generalization ability, which is another advantage, was demonstrated by its ability to perform well on images from different datasets with varying data quality and acquisition regions. Furthermore, techniques such as image pre-cropping and augmentations during training were used to enhance the model's performance.

CONCLUSIONS: The experimental results demonstrated that the model is capable of accurately detecting malignancies with a high degree of confidence. The obtained high-quality metrics offer a significant potential for implementing this method in automated diagnostics, for instance, as an additional opinion for medical specialists.

About the authors

Alisher A. Ibragimov

Institute for System Programming

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4406-4562
SPIN-code: 3540-3992
Russian Federation, Moscow

Sofya A. Senotrusova

Institute for System Programming

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0960-8920
SPIN-code: 4872-3388
Russian Federation, Moscow

Arsenii A. Litvinov

Institute for System Programming

ORCID iD: 0009-0000-3561-3817
Russian Federation, Moscow

Aleksandra A. Beliaeva

Institute for System Programming

Russian Federation, Moscow

Egor N. Ushakov

Institute for System Programming

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8370-6911
Russian Federation, Moscow

Yury V. Markin

Institute for System Programming

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1145-5118
SPIN-code: 8440-9532
Russian Federation, Moscow


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