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The article presents results of experiment and its theoretical justification aimed to study the mechanism and intensity of the early stage of gully head formation. The experiment was carried out using the jet installation that allows to change the angle of the water stream from 0.5 to 90° with the flow velocity of up to 6 m/s. The flow angle was changed with a 10° step, while the flow velocity was maintained in the range of 1.01–1.04 m/s. The intensity of soil erosion positively correlates with the flow angles (angles of attack) in the range from zero up to 40°. When the angle was increased to 50–90°, the intensity continuously declined. The lowest absolute values of erosion intensity were observed when the water flow was normal to the soil surface. There are two main reasons why the intensity of soil erosion changes with changing angle of stream flow; the first is hydraulic, the second is hydro-mechanical. The former determines weakening and destruction of inter-aggregate bonds by the water penetrating into the soil; the latter – by the combined vectors of forces of hydrodynamic head and forces keeping the particle (aggregate) in place. The experiment showed that the maximum impact of water jet on a separate soil particle occur at angle of 41°. The flow in a gully happens occasionally and the results obtained should be attributed to the early stage of erosion: the stage before formation of a so called gully headcut.


G. Larionov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography

Email: GorobetsAV@geogr.msu.ru
Russia, Moscow

S. Krasnov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography

Email: GorobetsAV@geogr.msu.ru
Russia, Moscow

L. Litvin

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography

Email: GorobetsAV@geogr.msu.ru
Russia, Moscow

A. Gorobets

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography

Email: GorobetsAV@geogr.msu.ru
Russia, Moscow

L. Kobylchenko (Kuksina)

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography

Email: GorobetsAV@geogr.msu.ru
Russia, Moscow

N. Kriuchkov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Soil Science Faculty

Email: GorobetsAV@geogr.msu.ru
Russia, Moscow


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版权所有 © Г.А. Ларионов, С.Ф. Краснов, Л.Ф. Литвин, А.В. Горобец, Л.В. Кобыльченко (Куксина), Н.Р. Крючков, 2023
