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The Azass Plateau in the Altai-Sayan mountain region is the only known territory in the continental Eurasia know for distribution of intraglacial volcanoes formed by the interaction of erupting lava with ice and melt waters. The orographic factor in the Todzha Basin caused the development of thick shield glaciers covering the area of approximately 13 000 km2 during cold epochs.

The variety of geomorphological units reflecting the history of neotectonic evolution, volcanism and Quarternary glaciations creates a unique opportunity to perform paleogeographic reconstructions. The geomorphological map is constructed based on the selection of genetically homogeneous surfaces. Morphometrical indicators, paragenesis and time series were obtained for the later. A special attention was paid to the relief of intraglacial volcanoes and traces of glaciations of different ages.

The lower level of intraglacial volcanoes formed in the second half of the Late Pleistocene was subdivided into three levels. These volcanoes formed under a few hundreds of meters of ice. The glacial-exaration genesis of microrelief under the influence of the inland ice was established as appose to the previously accepted water-glacial (catafluvial) genesis. The age of the upper slopes of volcanoes (except the Derbi-Taiga volcano) is the Late Pleistocene. Consequently, glacial valleys and kars complicating them are rejuvenated .

The study of the rockfall bodies triggered by an earthquake and rockfalls rupture surfaces in glacial valleys of the Derbi-Taiga mountain massif and their comparison with the traces of the Chuya earthquake (2003) allowed to estimate the Ms = 7.5 magnitude of the Holocene earthquake that caused them.

Presented results of the geomorphological investigation contradict the paleogeographic reconstructions performed earlier on the basis of absolute dating.


I. Novikov

Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of SB RAS

Russia, Novosibirsk

M. Miharevich

Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Raw Materials

Russia, Novosibirsk

S. Prudnikov

Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of SB RAS

Russia, Kyzyl


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版权所有 © И.С. Новиков, М.В. Михаревич, С.Г. Прудников, 2023
