The first issue of the journal "Geomorphology" was published in 1950. Academician I.P.Gerasimov and Dr. Y.A.Mescheryakov played a major role in the creation of the journal. Yu.A. Meshcheryakov was the first editor-in-chief. Unfortunately, he passed away early, managing to prepare only the first four issues. Then Dr. A. A.Aseev was Editor-in-Chief for a long time, and from 1989 to 2010 - Dr. D.A.Timofeev. After his death, Dr. V.P.Chichagov took over the responsibility. In 2022, Dr. A.V.Panin was appointed Editor-in-Chief. For more than a quarter of a century, Dr. N.S.Blagovolin has been Deputy Editor-in-Chief since the first issue. Dr. L.E.Setunskaya, former executive secretary of the journal, did a lot for it. Geomorphology had good luck with managing editors; especially V.D.Levina, a brilliant publishing specialist, worked for a long time in this position. The editorial board of the journal was and is composed of eminent scientists - representatives and leaders of various schools of geomorphology, whose names are known by every domestic and many foreign geomorphologists.

The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the Journal of Geomorphology. Over these five decades, 200 issues have been published with a total of over 3,250 articles. There are about 1500 authors, including employees of academic institutions, university professors, employees of scientific and production organizations from different cities of our country, near and far abroad. Since 2023 the subject area of the journal has been expanded, which is reflected in the change of the journal's name - "Geomorfologiya I Paleogeografiya".
