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The Middle Volga region is an area of layer-tiered and stepped uplands, in which the upper plateau is the most ancient surviving (among the known) element of the relief of this region of the East European Plain. The plateau is located within the highest interfluves at the prevailing elevations of 280–380 m, representing the upper level of the relief. Most researchers support the denudation (pediplanation) nature of its origin. The age of formation of the plateau surface is still a matter of debate. In this paper, based on literature sources, the author’s ideas about the development of the Neogene valleys of the paleo-Volga and its tributaries, an analysis of changes in the geomorphological, paleoclimatic and paleolandscape conditions of the Middle Volga region and neighboring regions was presented. It is concluded that the most optimal time for the pediplanation of the region’s relief and, consequently, the formation of the surface of the upper plateau was the time period between the time boundary of the Middle and Late Miocene (Sarmatian?) and the middle of the Maeotis (Late Miocene), which was distinguished by relative tectonic stability and general increase of climate aridization.

Sobre autores

E. Petrova

Kazan Federal University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: helengeo@mail.ru
Russia, Kazan

A. Gusarov

Kazan Federal University

Email: helengeo@mail.ru
Russia, Kazan


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