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Stalingrad in the strategic plans of the military-political leadership of the USSR and Germany in 1942-1943

Morozov M.


The article presents the modern concept of the history of the Battle of Stalingrad, as well as the totality of the most important strategic decisions of the warring parties, which led to the crushing defeat of the Wehrmacht, the elimination of its 6th german Army, which became one of the most important turning points in World War II.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):3-13
pages 3-13 views

On the way to stalingrad: the events of 1942 in the context of the Battle

Kudryashov S.


The article examines the important military developments of the winter, spring and summer of 1942 in the context of the history of the Battle for Stalingrad. The main focus is on the Battle for the Caucasus and its impact on combat events around Stalingrad.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):14-23
pages 14-23 views

The Battle of Stalingrad: some topical issues of study

Uhl M.


This article provides an overview of recent German and international research on the history of the Battle of Stalingrad. The publication also lists research questions, the answers to which will contribute to gaining a more complete picture of this arguably most important battle of the Second World War. Therefore, further research on the work of the Red Army's military intelligence service before and during the battle, on the logistics and supply of the fighting troops, and on the German air raids on the city on the Volga will play a special role.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):24-32
pages 24-32 views

The soviet hydrometeorological service and the Red army’s counteroffensive at Stalingrad

Pryamitsyn V.


The article discusses the organization of hydrometeorological support of the Red Army in the Battle of Stalingrad. Hydrometeorological conditions are described, their influence on the activities of the ground forces, aviation, and the Volga Flotilla is revealed, and specific examples are given. The structure of hydrometeorological bodies, units and subunits involved in providing the Red Army is disclosed in detail.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):33-41
pages 33-41 views

Survival strategies of the moscow militia encircled and in the occupied territory in the autumn-winter of 1941-1942

Drozdov K.


In the article, based on unique archival documents - transcripts of conversations with former militias who were promoted in subsequent years, as well as post-war memoirs, an attempt was made to reconstruct the survival strategies and behavior patterns of Moscow militias in extreme conditions of the environment, a breakthrough from it and living in the occupied territories of Smolensk and Moscow in the autumn-winter of 1941-1942.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):42-50
pages 42-50 views

RSFSR People’s Commissariat for Justice and its activity on the courts management (1941-1945)

Rybakov V.


The article, based on documents from the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GA RF), evaluates the role of the RSFSR People’s Commissariat for Justice (PCJ) in the courts management and comprehensively presents the mechanism of this management by the republican justice administration bodies in the period 1941-45. The author analyzes the main tools of the mechanism in extraordinary war conditions. The conclusion is about the combination of two trends in the activities of justice administration bodies. On the one hand, these authorities sought to achieve uniformity in the courts functioning and the correctness of their application of legislation, but, on the other one, carried out direct illegal pressure on them. The justice administration by the republican PCJ led to large-scale repressions, but at the same time caused the relative stability of the system and its ability to function in the war situation.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):51-61
pages 51-61 views

"We’re going to sow, not to remove mines": the local authorities and the total removal of mines in Kaluga region

Kometchikov I.


Based on archival documents of the GKO, Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b), the USSR Council of Ministers, structures of the USSR People's Commissariat of Defense, regional and district party and Soviet bodies, military units, military authorities, the Central Council of the USSR Osoaviakhim and its regional organizations, most of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the role of regional and district authorities in the organization and conduct of solid demining of the typical agrarian region of the central Russia - the Kaluga region is examined. The approaches to the solution of this problem of the Center and the regional authorities are investigated. The dominance of the approach promoted by the regional and district leadership was not only a consequence of its leading role in the organization of demining in the field, but also reflected the gradual winding down of the space of non-economic coercion in the Soviet economy.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):62-77
pages 62-77 views

"“The International” is outdated for our people". Creation of the national anthem of the USSR (1943-1944)

Devyatov S., Zhilyaev V., Nevezhin V.


The article examines the process of work of the state commission headed by K.E. Voroshilov and A.S. Shcherbakov on the creation of the text and musical accompaniment of the new National Anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics instead of the "International". "The source base of the article was made up of previously unknown materials of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the Archive of Russian Foreign Policy, as well as published documents and memoirs. Since the poems and music for the new anthem were selected on a competitive basis, dozens of Soviet poets and composers were able to participate in this competition. Stalin closely followed the work of the Voroshilov-Shcherbakov commission. He periodically gave instructions to the authors of the words of the anthem (S.M. Mikhalkov and G.A. Urekioyan), attended the auditions of its musical accompaniment. It is concluded that the work on the creation of a new anthem of the USSR in 1943-1944 was the implementation of an important state project that had no analogues in Soviet history. Keywords: "International", the National Anthem of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, K.E. Voroshilov, A.S. Shcherbakov, the Union of Soviet Writers of the USSR, the Committee for the Arts of the USSR, the Union of Soviet Composers of the USSR.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):78-94
pages 78-94 views

Rhythms of the past: the first anniversaries of the Great Patriotic War in Soviet memory politics (1945-1965)

Popov A., Pivovarov N., Sak K.


The article describes the first anniversaries of the events of the Great Patriotic War (first of all, Victory Day) from the point of view of the Soviet policy of memory, which is interpreted by the authors as part of a symbolic policy representing the production and maintenance of certain social ideas about the past in order to achieve the stability of the ruling political regime. Special emphasis is placed on the comparative analysis of official programs of events related to the Victory Day in 1945-1965, the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1961), the first "round" anniversaries of the Battle of Moscow, the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, taking into account ideological, mobilization, status, geopolitical, organizational factors. Based on a significant number of archival and published sources, it is shown how, as we move away from military events for 10-20 years, the instrumental role of anniversaries of key events of the Great Patriotic War has increased, aimed at solving not only domestic political, but also foreign policy tasks. By the mid-1960s, such anniversaries were finally fixed in the memorial calendar and served to consolidate and mobilize Soviet society, contributed to the concentration of symbolic resources at the central and in some cases regional authorities (for example, the case of Stalingrad/Volgograd), and were also used to strengthen the positive image of the USSR abroad.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):95-114
pages 95-114 views

Legislative regulation of the execution of military orders at state-owned mining plants

Shumkin G.


The article considers the process of creating " Temporary rules for giving and executing orders of the Military and Maritime ministries by state-owned mining plants, analyzes the editions of 1871 and 1888. It is concluded that the " Rules "of 1871 more expressed the interests of customers who sought to free themselves from" mandatory relations " with the mining department. The "Rules" of 1888 and other later editions were aimed at protecting the interests of mining enterprises. Thanks to them, state-owned mining plants secured a significant share of the Russian arms market, which became one of the reasons for the weakness of the Russian military industry by the beginning of the First World War.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):115-128
pages 115-128 views

"Platonic union": mutual perception and interaction of the russian and french navies in the late 19th - early 20th century

Kozlov D.


The paper dwells on analyzing the peculiarities of the mutual perception of Russian and French military sailors, as well as the directions, forms and results of interaction between the navies of the allied powers since the emergence of the Franco-Russian alliance at the end of the 19th century until the outbreak of the First World War. The main factors that determined Russian-French relations in the naval sphere are the creation of naval general staffs in France and Russia, the active military-diplomatic activities of naval agents (attaches) in Paris and St. Petersburg, as well as the conclusion in 1912 of the Naval Convention and subsequent regular contacts between the chiefs of naval staffs. The conclusion is made about the predominance of critical mutual perception of the naval corporations of the allied countries, as well as the low efficiency of their interaction on the eve of the world war.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):129-142
pages 129-142 views

"It smells of kerosene". Danube shipping company and russian policy in the Balkans at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries

Vishnyakov Y.


The article, based on the documents of the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, reveals the plans of the Russian Empire for economic penetration into the markets of Serbia and other Balkan countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A special place in the economic strategy of the St. Petersburg ruling circles in relation to the Balkan region was played by the activities of the Russian Danube shipping company, which was assigned not only a commercial, but also a political role, as one of the important factors in strengthening Russian influence in the Balkan countries, primarily in Serbia. In addition, the development of navigation along the Danube in the late XIX - early XX centuries. allowed the Russian Empire to gain a foothold in the oil markets of both the Balkan countries and Austria-Hungary and Germany. In 1914-1915.namely on the ships and barges of the Russian Danube Shipping Company, a special-purpose expedition headed by M.M. Veselkin, military cargo was transported for Serbia, which was an important factor in Russian-Serbian military cooperation during the First World War.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):143-155
pages 143-155 views

Russian export of cotton fabric to Persia in the 19th - early 20th century

Kornoukhova G.


The author analyzes the process of conquest of the Persian textile market by Russian producers in the context of acute rivalry with British competitors during the 19th - early 20th century. The author has determined the hindering factor of the Russian textile exports activation during the 19th century; the reasons for the beginning of the increase in the supply of textiles to the Persian market in the last decade of the century; the measures used to improve export conditions and the results that the Russian Empire managed to achieve by the end of the peaceful period of its existence at the beginning of the 20th century. The author comes to the conclusion that since the end of the 19th century the Russian merchants took an active position in the export issue and began to perceive it as a matter of national importance.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):156-164
pages 156-164 views

The League of Nations on the road to War: the position of the USSR

Khormach I.


The article is devoted to the problem of world-class international organizations, in this case the League of Nations, fulfilling the tasks for which they were created. The author examines the strategy of the League of Nations in connection with the implementation of its main function - the prevention of wars and the preservation of the Versailles system of international relations and the position of the Soviet leadership in this regard. The main attention is paid to the evolution of the course of the League of Nations under the influence of the leading states during the periods of the growth of the aggressive aspirations of Germany, Italy and Japan, the aggravation of international relations and local wars - the Italo-Ethiopian War, the Spanish Civil War, Japanese aggression in the Far East and China, German aggression in Europe and the attempts of the USSR to keep the organization from the course of encouragement of the aggressor. The author analyzes the participation of the Soviet state in the activities of the League of Nations in the field of disarmament and arms reduction, examines the reasons for the disruption of this most important part of the organization's work to preserve peace.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):165-178
pages 165-178 views

The role of intelligence in the creation of the first samples of Soviet nuclear weapons

Guangxiang Z.


The successful completion of the Soviet nuclear project was due to the combination of internal and external factors. Of course, the privileges and guarantees provided by the government for the scientific research and production of nuclear weapons, as well as the arduous efforts made by scientists to overcome various difficulties, have played an important role. But equally important is the use of foreign experience, mainly known through intelligence. Intelligence activities helped the Soviet Union absorb and utilize foreign experience. Neither the emphasis on the decisive role of intelligence, nor the denial of its importance contributes to a systematic and scientific understanding of its purpose and role. The Soviet Union was able to complete all nuclear research independently, but this would require more resources and time.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):179-193
pages 179-193 views
pages 194-199 views

Military Caucasian studies in persons

Mukhanov V.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):200-203
pages 200-203 views

Railways of the Russian Empire as a place of work for women

Kazantseva J., Krestiannikov E.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):203-208
pages 203-208 views

Rec. ad op.: Yu. A. Bakhurin. Front i tyl Velikoy voyny. Moscow, 2019

Airapetov O.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):208-214
pages 208-214 views

New publications on the history of the Second Defense of Sevastopol

Guryev E., Puchenkov A.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):215-220
pages 215-220 views

To the 130th anniversary of the "great worker of war" A. V. Khrulev

Khruleva I.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(3):220-227
pages 220-227 views
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