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"Pacification and control": mongol rule in Rus’ in the mid-13th century

Maiorov A.


The attacks of the Mongol commanders Nevruy and Kuremsa on the Vladimir-Suzdal and Galician-Volhynian lands were due to the struggle for power in the Mongol Empire. The power of the Great Khan in the lands controlled by the Jochids was exercised by the Darughachi and Tammachi, who represented the main institutions of the military-civilian administrative system created by the Mongols in the conquered territories. To ensure control over the western outskirts of the empire, the new Khan Möngke sought to destroy the system of subjugation of the Rus’ lands, created by Batu during the period of temporary weakening of the imperial center. The census of the population of Rus’, undertaken by the Möngke government, was supposed to ensure the centralization of power, material and human resources, necessary for further conquests both in the West and in the East. The confrontation between the Jochids and the imperial center continued for several years, until the death of Batu and his son Sartaq.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):3-22
pages 3-22 views

Inheritance of cities in the Russian state by the sons of Ivan III according to his will of 1503

Kuchkin V.


The article is devoted to the distribution of possessions, mainly cities of the Russian state at the beginning of the XVI century, between the five sons of Ivan III (Vasily, the future Vasily III, his brothers Yuri, Semyon, Dmitry and Andrei, born in the marriage of Ivan III with the Greek Princess Sophia Palaiologos). This distribution was fixed by a will ("spiritual letter") Ivan III, composed in 1503. In historical science, both domestic and foreign, this testament has clearly not been studied enough, although the first publication of this document dates back to 1788. The source was already known to N. M. Karamzin. S.M. Solovyov pointed out that the will mentioned 66 cities that Ivan III had bequeathed to his eldest son Vasily and 30 cities bequeathed to 4 younger brothers of Vasily, taken together. Where the historian got these figures from, he did not explain. Nevertheless, V.O. Klyuchevsky used them to show how much the material possibilities of Ivan III's eldest son Vasily had grown. In Soviet times, the will of Ivan III was often quoted, but in general it was never studied. An appeal to this source showed that it does not refer to 66 cities that were tied to the future Vasily III, but at least 95. His younger brothers in total received not 30 cities, but 26 and half of another 1 city. Ivan III's successor Vasily eventually received more than 78% of all cities in the Russian state, his four brothers - less than 22%. At the same time, the younger sons of Ivan III were forbidden to expand their possessions, they became precarious, and Vasily III received the right to deprive his brothers of their inheritance if they schemed against him. The immediate result of these innovations was the cessation of the internal dynastic struggle in the Russian state among the Moscow Rurikovich.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):23-40
pages 23-40 views

Visit of the derbent ruler Imam Kulibek to Saint Petersburg

Magaramov S.


The article examines the visit of the Derbent ruler Imam Kuli-bek to St. Petersburg in 1726-1727. Such visits from outlying lands to meet with the supreme rulers were not frequent occurrences; they could take place in the event of a special attitude of the supreme authorities towards representatives of other ethnic groups. The reasons for the naib's visit to St. Petersburg are analyzed, all his petitions, both personal and in the interests of the city community, submitted by him during the trip, are studied. The visit of Naib Imam Quli-bek to the capital ended successfully, with the full satisfaction of the requests of the Naib. Archival materials, introduced into scientific circulation for the first time in this publication, show the Naib of Derbent as an experienced politician and a loyal ally of the Russian government.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):41-46
pages 41-46 views

Finance minister I. A. Vyshnegradsky and the famine of 1891-1892

Stepanov V.


The article provides an overview of the activities of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire I.A. Vyshnegradsky aimed at overcoming the consequences of crop failures of 1891-1892 and the disorder of public finances. Such measures as the allocation of significant funds for the purchase of bread for the starving population, the reduction of railway tariffs for the transportation of goods to the affected provinces, the provision of benefits to borrowers of state-owned credit institutions, the prohibition of grain exports abroad, the organization and conduct of public works, the additional issue of credit cards to fill the channels of monetary circulation, the conclusion of an external "golden" loan, limiting departmental spending in order to reduce the budget deficit, stop the fall of the ruble and Russian securities. It is concluded that, despite some shortcomings and failures of anti-crisis policy, government measures have played a significant role in the fight against hunger.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):47-69
pages 47-69 views

Engineer K.O. De-Skrokhovsky: conservative versus bureaucracy

Kotov A.


The history of discussions around economic issues and railway construction in post-reform Russia has not been deprived of the attention of modern researchers. At the same time, even in special publications on this topic, the name of one of its most prominent participants, engineer Konstantin Osipovich De-Skrokhovsky, is practically not found. This name is now almost completely forgotten; even the year of birth is missing from brief dictionary references about it. Meanwhile, the “intellectual biography” of this figure is extremely interesting in the context of studying the history of economics and railway business in the last quarter of the 19th century: it helps to better understand the socio-political context of the process of “nationalization” of railways that was then beginning. But it is not without significance (and in this context has never been considered by researchers) for a researcher of social thought in the second half of the 19th century, for understanding the history of both right-wing salons and the struggle of court groups of this period.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):70-83
pages 70-83 views

Gosplan and the problem of conversion in the Soviet military industry in the second half of the 1940s

Zakharchenko A.


There is an opinion about the exclusively technical functions of the State Planning Committee in historiography. However, this institution played a significant role in the development of economic policy strategies and its implementation. Using the example of the conversion of the military industry in 1945-1950. the role of the State Planning Committee is shown as an important element of the state system. He was not a conductor of the decisions of the Stalinist leadership, but took an independent position on carrying out the conversion and limited the “opportunism” of the military-industrial departments. The determining factor was the personality of N.I. Voznesensky. Throughout the 1940s. he was a member of the leadership of all senior structures involved in economic management. The influence of the State Planning Committee on political decision-making was directly related to the career growth and strengthening of the administrative weight of its leader.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):84-102
pages 84-102 views

Misuse and punishment: corruption of regional leaders of the USSR in 1946-1952

Fedorov A.


The article on the basis of documents of the Central Committee Secretariat of the CPSU reveals the scale and main types of abuses of regional leaders of the USSR in the first post-war years. It is shown that the Central Committee received information about the corruption of the first secretaries of regional party committees and chairmen of regional executive committees from various sources and considered it in ordinary order. In most cases, the Central Committee either did not punish regional leaders for abuses, or imposed on them mild party punishments that did not affect their careers. Dismissal, expulsion from the party and criminal prosecution were rarely used and, as a rule, under the influence of political circumstances.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):103-120
pages 103-120 views

"Must strike with laughter": "Crocodile" magazine and soviet cartoonists during the cold war (late 1940s - early 1990s)

Chervyakov R.


The article is devoted to the crucial developmental stages of the magazine «Crocodile» in the post-war years. At the end of the 1940s, the magazine, which replicated cartoons, proved to be a popular tool in the conditions of the aggravated confrontation of the former allies. The material and organizational improvement of the magazine's work led to an improvement in the situation of cartoonists, whose status turned out to be close to the status of the nomenclature. At the turn of the 1950s and 1960s, the magazine entered a phase of crisis associated with both the peculiarity of the domestic and foreign policy situation, and with the processes that took place inside the cartoonists' workshop. The author concludes that the crisis phenomena in the Soviet agitprop, expressed in the gradual physical and moral decrepitude of the propaganda apparatus, led to the fact that the cartoon ceased to act as an effective tool of influence on public consciousness.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):121-138
pages 121-138 views

Formation of soviet sports diplomacy: structures and practices

Glushich A.


The article is devoted to the formation of a new foreign policy practice - sports diplomacy - in the USSR in the 1920s. The key documents that established the order of interaction of sections within the Red Sports International, as well as Soviet athletes with the external environment, are analyzed. These resolutions clearly reflected the contradictions in the accents of the activities of the RSI and the SCPC: the aspiration for mainly propaganda work and the consolidation of the labor movement collided with the desire to raise the competitive level of Soviet sports. Despite these contradictions, in the 1920s it was possible to unify the practice of international work-sports interaction, to make it systematic. The evolution of working methods has been studied: both competitive forms of interaction and non-competitive practices - patronage and socialist competition. It is shown that the tools of sports diplomacy of the USSR in the first decade of its existence were not static, it changed in accordance with new tasks and challenges - from overcoming foreign policy isolation to strengthening the internal structure of the movement and the formation of self-defense squads by foreign sports clubs. The circle of interaction of the RSI and the SCPC with supranational organizations and Soviet institutions of power is defined. Intensive ties with the CEC, the PCFA and the Soviet embassies, which provided financial support, accelerated visa issuance, as well as advisory assistance, indicate a great attention to foreign policy sports contacts of the highest state bodies of the USSR. The conclusion is made about the formation of a systematic and regular practice of sports diplomacy of the Soviet state since the early 1920s.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):139-153
pages 139-153 views

Olympic debut of soviet sports

Kupriianov A.


Based on archival documents, the article traces the key moments of the long-term process of preparing Soviet athletes for the 1952 Olympic Games. Thanks to the course of the party and state leadership of the country to use the possibilities of cultural diplomacy after the end of the Second World War, Soviet sports come out of isolation, actively use bilateral sports contacts and participate in some World and European Championships. The entry of the Soviet Union into the Olympic movement was hampered by the atychiphobia of Soviet leaders and top sports functionaries, when a defeat in any international competition was seen as damage to the prestige of the USSR. Only in December 1951, the authorities, convinced of the ability of the Soviet Union to compete with the United States for Olympic leadership, agreed to participate in the Olympic Games in Helsinki.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):154-169
pages 154-169 views

Behind the political scenes of world sports: the USSR and international sports organizations in the second half of the 20th century

Prozumenshchikov M.


The 20th century was marked by the active introduction of politics into big sport, the targeted use of athletes and their achievements for political purposes. After the Second World War, the USSR began to position itself as a great sports power, and Soviet athletes were tasked with winning in international sports arenas and setting world records for the glory of their Motherland. At the same time, in order to participate in the World and European Championships and the Olympic Games, the USSR's membership in official international sports organizations (ISO) was required. Issues related to the entry of the Soviet Union into these organizations, the struggle for influence in them, the participation of the USSR in the development of the international sports movement and the determination of its main directions became important elements of Soviet policy in the second half of the twentieth century.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):170-182
pages 170-182 views

French research on Peter the Great

Mezin S.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):183-188
pages 183-188 views

Shaving in the era of Peter the Great - politics and culture

Shamin S.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):189-195
pages 189-195 views
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The reformer and his ideas

Mamonov A.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):204-214
pages 204-214 views

Bank and people

Rodnov M.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):214-216
pages 214-216 views

New book about Leonid Krasin

Voytikov S.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):216-222
pages 216-222 views
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Satire and Stalin

Buldakov V.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):226-232
pages 226-232 views

Comprehending the russian revolutions

Smirnov N.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):232-235
pages 232-235 views

Francine Hirsch’s Soviet Empire of nations

Tikhonov V.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):235-238
pages 235-238 views

The soviet historian of the post-war generation, professor A. M. Sakharov

Pushkareva I.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):238-240
pages 238-240 views

Professor, researcher, organizer of science A. M. Sakharov

Zakharov V.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(5):241-245
pages 241-245 views