Kuban diocese and the kuban government council during the civil war

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The article examines the situation of the Orthodox Russian Church and Orthodox clergy in the territory of Southern Russia, controlled by the forces of the anti-Bolshevik camp, among which the leading place was occupied by the General Command of the Armed Forces of Southern Russia represented by A.I. Denikin, the Kuban Regional Government and the Ataman of the Kuban Cossack Troops. On the materials of the Office of the Ataman of the Kuban Cossack Troops, the Office of the Council of the Kuban Regional Government, documents of the South-Eastern Russian Church Council of 1919, periodicals, memoirs, correspondence, the problems of relations between the church authorities and various representatives of secular power against the background of their complex relationships with each other, the problems of financing the clergy and the organisation of an independent Kuban diocese are highlighted. The conflict between Bishop Ioann (Levitsky) of Kuban and Ataman A.P. Filimonov over the appointment of clergy to the Army Cathedral is examined in detail.

About the authors

Julia Aleksandrovna Biryukova

Don State Technical University;Saint Petersburg State University

Saint Petersburg, Russia


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