Vol 3, No 3 (2023)


The "Logic" of the natural language functioning in the Oxford School philosophy

Chistanova S.


This article focuses on the linguistic philosophy, specifically on John Austin's theory of speech acts. This theory examines the speech acts in the situation of direct communication. The theory author divides the speech acts into three action types, and introduces terms for their designation: locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary acts. Austin tried to identify and classify illocutionary verbs, but he did not give a precise definition or criteria for classification; he proposed dividing all the verbs into 'classes of use', upon that, the same verb could belong to different classes. The article author analyzes the speech act theory development lines, particularly, the research of John Rogers Searle, who was a follower of J. Austin. He introduced such terms as illocutionary point, conditions of satisfaction, direction of fit. These three terms allow him to identify five varieties of speech acts: assertives, directives, commissives, expressives, declaratives. It is Searle's philosophy of language that remains popular among linguists who try to find the structural rules that create the phenomenon. The article discusses other development variants of John Austin's ideas, related to the speech communication modelling and discourse theory. The author concludes by pointing out the weaknesses of the everyday language theory.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Understanding language rules in Ruth Garrett Millican's biosemantics

Serikov A.E.


The purpose of this study is to clarify how the rules of language are understood in Ruth Garrett Millikan's biosemantics. The specificity of the biosemantic language research program is that the language functions and norms are defined by analogy with biological ones. The function of the normal using language structures is to stabilize them and preserve the current usage. The philosophical foundation of Millikan's biosemantics is naturalistic realism, which includes the belief in the existence of real types and real categories independent of theory. Every person has abilities to recognize and track the same things at their variety– unitrackers, as well as unique individual interconnections of various aspects of information about the same things – unicepts. Moreover, Millikan's philosophy of language is based on the understanding linguistic signs as natural conventions; on usage-based theoretical approaches in linguistics; on the classical correspondence theory of truth and the related understanding of meaning as based on conditions of truth or justification. If rules are understood as unambiguous algorithms or prescriptions observed by the absolute majority, the violation of which necessarily entails the application of sanctions, then, for Millikan, the language conventions are not rules. But the patterns of the sign presenting onto the reality it signifies are rules in that the truth or justification conditions for the sign use can either be met or not, and an utterance using this sign fulfills its stabilizing function only in the first case.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Cognitive approach to the learning sign systems. Part 1: pre-alchemical and alchemical periods

Barabanova N.V., Barabanov V.S.


The dependence of the process of cognition and understanding in any field of knowledge on the quality of semiotization, the detailed naming of cognition objects has always been a cognitive problem, although not always a realized one. The purpose of this work is to consider the relationship between the the semiotic system development and the cognition process in one of the natural sciences, namely, in chemistry. As a working hypothesis, we assume that there is a direct relationship between the processes of cognition and the study of reality from in terms of chemistry and semiotic coding of knowledge about the interaction of substances. At the same time, the processes of cognition and the ways of encoding information, resulted from the cognitive process, mutually affect each other. The semiotic system development, reflecting the knowledge level, is determined by the work on cognition objects, and also the way of coding knowledge stimulates new hypotheses or even conclusions about the object of research in chemistry. In the first part of this article, we consider the features of reflection in the signs of chemistry knowledge in the earlier times, including the alchemical period. The research method consists of the diachronic semiotic analyzing the concepts of chemistry language and signs from the Ancient till the New time. The study results confirm the hypothesis put forward.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Ontology of inner-body sensations in the focus of fundamental and applied research

Atakuev M.N.


Inner-body sensations (interoceptive sensations) have only recently become a full object of philosophy. This is due to the fact that the naturalistic theory of phenomenal consciousness is expanding by new empirical data and requiring philosophical analysis. Also, the traditional object of cognitive sciences is being transformed into a multidimensional philosophical category. At the same time, the study of the mechanisms of the inner-body experience linguistic conceptualization is acquiring particular importance. This article attempts to reveal the complex nature of interoceptive sensations and to show the dependence of the "interoception" volume and content properties on the methodological limitations of various approaches. The article analyzes the stages of the "interoception" concept formation in the cognitive sciences and in the philosophy of consciousness, and identifies the causes of semantic shifts this concept content. The truth of the thesis about the complementarity of the concepts of "interoception" and "qualia" in the ontological aspect of phenomenal consciousness is substantiated.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Lyric poetry in the information society

Scholz G.


Poetry seems to have become a kind of a foreign body in the modern society because it does not contain what we call information. But while information conveys actual truth, poetry can articulate the other one: while the permanent flood of information puts people into constant tension and emotional unrest, poetry can provide counterbalance. With the information society spreading worldwide, new forms of culture have emerged alongside with new forms of work, and rap is one of them. Just as one recognizes both opportunities and dangers in the information society, this new form of poetry is also judged aesthetically, ethically and sociologically in very different ways. This is not surprising, since there are very ordinary as well as artistic forms of rap.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):39-44
pages 39-44 views


The modernity artistic metanarrative and the 19th century novel structure

Rymar N.T.


The article proposes the concept of "artistic metanarrative", similar to the well-known concept of Lyotard's metanarrative, but used to describe some mechanisms of the novel structure. The novel of the 19th century is considered as the central phenomenon of the modern culture, but due to the problematics of the moral norms conflict generated by the autonomous personality’s value representations of the new era of culture and the past moral principles, which remain active in the 19th century. For the novel hero, this is essentially a conflict of two cultures, - a moral conflict developing in his mind and behavior and more or less dramatically demanding the impossible from the hero to join the unjoinable. The subject of the analysis are the forms of the work scheme, where artistic reflection on the novel heterogeneous value vectors, relationships, narratives and cultural norms occurs in the perspective of some kind of ordering and some kind of value harmonization of the whole. In the categories of S. Broitman's historical poetics, this creative problem corresponds to the concept of "autonomous involvement", which determines the features of the poetics of artistic modality, but in the case of a "conflict of cultures" it acquires a special acuteness in the individual consciousness. Metanarrative reflection on the value relations operating in the artistic world of the novel occurs at the level of the organization of the text construction forms that creates a situation of self-generation of meaning in the field between the author and the reader. This meaning goes beyond the boundaries of the certain stories directly depicted in the novel and has no direct verbal expression. At the same time, at the metanarrative level of the novel's integrity, the practices of smoothing out the conflict by creating a composition of value relations, where opposites are relatively balanced, are quite obvious. The "conciliatory" nature of this relationship in the 19th Century novel does not guarantee the prospects of harmonious human existence, but makes one realize the problem in all its depth.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):45-58
pages 45-58 views

Statement authenticity and “sign functioning” in communication between “deaf-blind and regular persons” (based on O. Skorokhodova’s works)

Nechaeva E.A.


The article is devoted to the problem of communication between subjects, one of which is deaf-blind person, and «the Other» (others) is (are) sighted-hearing  person(s). The aim is to identify discursive practices and  semiotic mechanisms behind them  that provide the possibility of communication  and determine the possibility of being understood by «the Other»» on the example of the work of O. Skorokhodova.  It is shown that the subject faces the following issue: a) to contemplate  something and to translate  it into a categories  and forms understandable to the subject himself and matching with the categories of «the Other»»; b) discursively formalize your experience; c) make it representable to «the Other». It has been proven that the only acceptable form of communication is an appeal to the language of «the Other». It is proved that poetry becomes an epistemological practice - the experience of perceiving something that is  inaccessible to the senses of a deaf-blind subject (if the object itself cannot be perceived directly, the experience of its perception is constructed). The construction of the experience of perception occurs not through interaction with the object itself, but through interaction with the description of the subject. It is proved that communication includes the delegation of the zone of perception to «the Other». A substance of relationship between a sign and a "reality" replaced by the sign was revealed; the following types of signs are distinguished: signs that distort "a reality"; signs that "confuse a reality"; signs that do not refer to a reality and / or block a reality; signs that are in complex “accidental-associative” relations with a reality. A new model of semiosis for communication of subjects, one of which is deaf-blind-mute, and «the Other» (others) is (are) sighted-hearing(s), is proposed. As a result of the work, the stages of   search  ways of authentic communication are revealed.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):59-66
pages 59-66 views


The social contract as a trend of transforming the low-income state social support: trends and risks

Egorova S.V.


The article is devoted to the issue of introducing social contracts into the practice of state social support for low-income citizens. The author considers the social contract as a trend of the state social support institutional transformation and a tool for reducing poverty. The main purpose of the analysis is to show the existing trends in the process of implementing the state social support that can lead to the risk of misappropriation of funds allocated for reducing poverty in the country and in the Samara region. The article reflects the results of the sociological study with the participation of specialists from the population social protection bodies and the analysis of regulatory and legislative acts. Empirical research methods were in-depth interviews with specialists from the Complex Social Service Centers for the Samara region population and the traditional analysis of documents, including federal and regional legislative acts regulating the process of providing the state social support to low-income citizens on the basis of the social contract. In the course of data analysis, the author developed the empirical classifications of the types of social contract applicants; the social contract priorities for the social service recipients and specialists are determined; distinguished the main trends and risks in the social contract implementation in the Samara region. Based on the results of the study, the author formulated recommendations for improving the process of implementing social contracts for the low-income citizens.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):67-76
pages 67-76 views

Young people's attitudes towards films about the Great Patriotic War: viewing expectations and genre preferences

Zernov D.V., Shalyutina N.V.


The article presents the results of two author's researches of young people's attitude towards films about the Great Patriotic War: "History in cinema: the problems of remediation" (10 focus groups) and "The Memory of the War in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinematography:  the Young Audience View" (questionnaire survey, n = 2003). 
The authors identified the main narratives of interest to young audiences.  It was noted that the films popular among young people are multi-genre works which combine historical accuracy and autobiographical, melodramatic and action-film elements. 
The viewing motivation associated with watching films about the Great Patriotic War, analyzed in terms of the theory of usage and satisfaction, is a complex system of expectations. The authors distinguish 6 groups of normative expectations: identity and integration; establishment of pleasant environment and recognition; tension and sensation seeking; authenticity and cognitive satisfaction; escapism and imagination; surprise and spectacularity. 
Historical war films fulfil social functions (meeting young people's expectations of integration, establishing a pleasant environment and credibility), while being an entertaining media product appropriate to the youth mediahabitus (meeting expectations of spectacle, suspense and escapism).  The authors state that historical films devoted to the events of the Great Patriotic War manage to successfully maintain a balance between format (proximity in terms of style and language to the youth audience) and content (ideological, patriotic message).

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):77-87
pages 77-87 views

Social identities and consolidation practices of the modern youth: the experience of Russian and foreign studies

Mitrofanova S.Y.


The article is based on the synthesis of research advances of Russian and foreign authors covering the issues of young people’s self-identification and the practices of their association. This interest is caused by the project implemented in the Samara region «Youth Identity and consolidation practice: regional aspect». The article uses the research results of foreign scientists, which discuss the issues of digital, ethnic-racial, religious identities, as well as the identities of poor youth in the context of establishing the consumer culture values. The results of the All-Russian project «Z Generation Eventivity» (2018) on the childhood eventivity, directed by S.N. Mayorova-Shcheglova, are significant. The research results on the issue under study, obtained in the Samara region, are important. These studies are on the social and medical volunteering, the importance of the activities of folk performance teams for preserving and developing the Russian culture. It was found that the identity problems in foreign studies are mainly placed in the context of consolidation practices of various minorities, socially vulnerable, discriminated youth groups. Russian studies have another approach: the self-identification issues are considered as related to various activities of the young people, their participation in various prosocial groups. We consider the second approach to be more productive in the Russian conditions.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):88-95
pages 88-95 views

Digital competence of employees: modern realities and the requests of employers

Sizova I.L., Orlova N.S., Elagina E.D.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the digital transformation of the labor market through the prism of digital competencies. The first and second sections provide an overview of digital competencies in the modern world. In the conditions of the digital economy, new professions are emerging, the education system is being revised with an emphasis on the continuity of the educational process and learning throughout life. This is especially relevant in the context of involving able-bodied older people in the digital environment. High-speed digitalization processes are becoming a common challenge for the education system and the state, business and employees themselves. At a certain stage, the question arises about how employers perceive the changes taking place and what are the requirements of modern Russian employers for digital competencies of employees. Based on the mentioned theoretical ideas, the authors conducted a sociological study of the attitude of employers to digital competencies of employees, the results of which are presented in the second section. The authors came to the conclusion that the importance of digital capital of employees is increasing, but the "digital capital" itself is undergoing constant changes. This is expressed in an ever-expanding list of "basic" digital skills.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):96-106
pages 96-106 views

Academic mobility of Kazakh and Russian students: theoretical and methodological analysis

Orlova L.V., Moiseeva A.A.


The relevance of the article is caused by the fact that education in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan is becoming more practice-oriented. The purpose of this work is to highlight the academic mobility of students in understanding and analyzing various aspects and factors that affect the success and effectiveness of the mobility process. Tasks: clarification of the conceptual apparatus of academic, professional and social mobility, consideration of the interdisciplinary aspect of these concepts, development of recommendations and strategies for improving academic exchange programs, creating conditions for successful academic mobility and promoting the development of students in the global educational space.
The work applies the methods of modeling, classifying and analyzing the documents of the countries within the educational space. The authors highlight the features of the academic mobility organization in the field of higher education international cooperation that contribute to the development of mobility qualities. The higher education faces an urgent need to create and organize the conditions for the formation of the specialist, who is mobile in socio-professional terms. There is a need to carry out a targeted work on the organization of the academic mobility of students, as well as the development of a regulatory framework for this activity.
 Conclusions are drawn about the formation of a model for the organization of academic mobility of students who would be competitive in a rapidly changing world.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):107-114
pages 107-114 views


Media industry in the information society: tracks of the professional self-realization

Nechitaylo A.A., Priadilnikova N.V., Deptsova T.Y., Gnutova A.A., Nechitaylo S.A.


The article considers the features of the modern media industry development in the information society. The media industry is proposed to explicate in terms of its interaction with other economy segments, and also with regard to its influence on the social stratification due to the so called digital divide. The authors conclude that the digital opportunities make the media industry extremely advanced and efficient both for business and professional self-realization, upon that the authors emphasize that the learning ability, ability to the intellectual and creative development are becoming determinants of professional realization in the information society.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):115-122
pages 115-122 views

Information. News. Events

Regional methodological theoretical seminar "Theoretical studies": "Formal method in literature studies and its criticism"

Garbuzinskaya Y.R., Ivanova V.N., Rymar N.T.


The article is devoted to a scientific event - the IV Regional methodological theoretical seminar "Theoretical studies". The article quotes excerpts from Professor N.T. Rymar’s seminar introductory lecture and reviews the topics raised during the seminar.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(3):123-130
pages 123-130 views

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