Vol 3, No 2 (2023)


Opportunities for the critical thinking formation in the digital age

Malchukova N.V.


The article analyzes the digitalization impact on the subject's thinking ability in general and on the formation of critical thinking skills, in particular. The advantages and disadvantages of informational and postmodern approaches in such an analysis are revealed. It is proved that an adequate analysis of the digitalization impact is possible only if we understand the inclusion of this process in the axiological context of the human existence.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Infants in the digital reality

Bylieva D.S.


The source of the formation of basic skills for young children is the environment that is created by surrounding adults. Modern children are introduced and seduced by mobile devices in infancy. Most often, parents use gadgets as a universal way to calm or entertain the child in order to save time for work or leisure. Touch screens and visual interfaces allow young children to interact with devices in a more responsive way than it is possible in the physical world. The experiences gained in the digital reality is carried over to the offline world, from the naive ways of interacting with the physical reality, demonstrated by infants, to the transfer of such of behavior norms as the ability to return and undo actions. The knowledge and skills related to digital resources and games are becoming more important than knowledge about the surrounding world. Voice assistants not only allow children to use the Internet without being literate, but also actively interact with the infant as a babysitter. Such communication allows children to draw a conclusion about their anthropomorphism, and, in general, contributes to uncritical immersion in the digital reality much earlier, than they are able to comprehend and realize it that dictates new ways of existence. Such an early and positive acquaintance with digital technologies gives the new generation trust and confidence in the inviolability of the technogenic world

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Discrediting the subject in the digital age: an experience of conceptualization

Vavilov P.S.


The aim of this article is to explore the discrediting influence on individuals and conceptualize the notion of "discreditation". The author argues that discreditation is a primary phenomenon preceding discrimination and is particularly relevant in terms of the development of Deepfake technologies. The article examines the genealogy of the concept of discreditation, its emergence theological and economic conditions, as well as the psychoanalytic and philosophical teachings of J. Lacan and L. Althusser on interpellation and discourses. The author shows that desacralized discreditation precedes discrimination and is subject to paradoxes. The conclusion is drawn that a subject, increasingly vulnerable to discreditation, needs strategies for possible and subsequent accreditation.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Semiotics of the superhuman: the superhuman images in A. Dumas' trilogy about the musketeers

Faritov V.


The article explicates the philosophical motives of A. Dumas' trilogy about the musketeers.
A comparative study of the socio-political views of A. Dumas and F. Nietzsche is carried out. The features of the trilogy poetics are analyzed. The ideological and figurative content of Dumas' novels is revealed in the context of the teachings of F. Nietzsche, O. Spengler, W. Sombart. The main motives of the Dumas’ trilogy and Cervantes' novel about Don Quixote are parallelized. The article substantiates the thesis that the main motive of the Dumas’ trilogy about the musketeers is the image of the superhuman.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):29-37
pages 29-37 views


Volga text: streaming down to definition

Morozova K.I.


This article is another attempt to comprehend such a phenomenon as the "Volga text". The image of the Volga have been repeatedly studied, but there is still no total research that gives a full and complete reply to the question: What is the Volga text? Especially it concerns A.K. Goldebaev’s creative heritage, who remains a little-known or unknown writer for the literary world. In addition, the very phenomenon of the Samara text (the Volga text is its important part) has not been fully studied. All this indicates the undoubted relevance and novelty of the study, the purpose of which is to consider the features of the Volga image functioning in the plots of the works by Goldebaev, M. Gorky, S.G. Petrov and F.D. Kryukov. The leading research methods have been synchronic, diachronic, comparative and structural ones. The empirical material comprised such works as "Foma Gordeev", "Through the Line", "Without Fire", "Summer Vacation". The choice of these texts is reasoned by the fact that Goldebaev’s documents, stored in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, have been found to have extracts, made from them, containing description of the Volga only. And Goldebaev’s story is the only work known to the author of the article, which contains a description of the Volga. The article concludes that it is not entirely correct to define Goldebaev's story as a Volga text: the Volga just locates the plot there and hardly participates in the construction.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):38-45
pages 38-45 views

Transformations of the travelogue genre in the essays by A. Ulanov

Zalomkina G.V.


The purpose of the article is to outline the approaches to the comprehension of the travelogue genre dynamics by exploring the modification ways of some conventional features in the latest samples of the genre. So, the lack of analytical procedures in this field of literary theory is filled. Structural-analytical, hermeneutical methods, and the method of motivic analysis were used. A. Ulanov’s essays as an empirical material represent a trend towards aesthetic and intellectual search in the modern literature. The number and dispersion of loci described in the essays, as well as the similarity of style and theme, create the effect of a wide coverage of the space. The realias that the traveller sees and describes in other cities, countries and continents is not perceived as the alien, since the author has prior knowledge about it and ponders deeply and non-trivially on what he sees, presenting it in original forms. Reflection generated by the author’s experience of exploring space does not dominate over a close look at the world and the ‘Other’. The subjectivity of multifaceted observations and reasoning is built up due to particular aesthetic fullness. An important role in this regard is played by the images of stone and water, which lead to the theme of time and memory, perceived as a touch to the past. The rejection of the de-individualized practice of visiting attractions and the tourist/traveller dichotomy are clearly visible. There is a postmodern irony towards historical reconstruction, the possibility of touching the past is developed through subjective peering and reflection.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):46-54
pages 46-54 views

Samara within the scope of “The Eighteenth Year” novel by A.N. Tolstoy

Vorontsova G.N.


The article considers one of the aspects of depicting Samara in the novel by A.N. Tolstoy “The Eighteenth Year” (1927−1928), namely the use of “Notes on the 1918 Czechoslovak Rebellion” to show the battles on the city streets in June 1918, which are now kept as part of the writer's archive in the Manuscript Department of the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature under RAS. Tolstoy re-conceptualized the information and supplemented it with artistic images to describe the events and give them historical reliability. The article gives examples of the writer's work with documentary materials that were reflected both in the chronological context of the narrative and in single episodes of the novel.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Studying the Russian culture Voronezh text at Voronezh State University

Ternova T.A.


The article deals with the history of studying the Voronezh text of the Russian culture. The concept was formed by analogy with the well-known Moscow and St. Petersburg texts. A review of the main ideas formulated during a series of conferences, held at Voronezh State University, is given.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):60-65
pages 60-65 views


Transforming agency in terms of improvement program implementation

Tolpygina O.A., Ryzhkova E.A.


This article aims to trace the history and development of agency theory in sociology, various approaches to the content of the term and the methodology of studying the phenomenon. Through the prism of transforming agency theory, the participation of residents in governmental, regional and municipal programs of public spaces improvement can be seen as a model «action-structure». A hypothesis is put forward about the reciprocal influence of both components of this model on each other as a guarantee of the effectiveness of the improvement programs implementation. This assumption is verified on the basis of the information obtained during the quantitative stage of the study of the residents’ attitude to the implementation of improvement programs, which is currently being carried out on the territory of the Samara city district. The study applied result will be a set of recommendations for improving the mechanisms for implementing improvement programs.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):66-74
pages 66-74 views

The specifics of digital business communication at Chinese enterprises

Zhao Y.


The article discusses the features of business communication in digital format on the example of Chinese enterprises. In the course of the study, various electronic communication tools used in business communication were studied. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods of digital communication are determined. The specific characteristics of the business style of communication are described. Chinese enterprises experience demonstrates the advantages of the digital format of business communication.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):75-82
pages 75-82 views

Homelander generation: formative context representation

Chernova N.Y.


The article covers the qualitative analyses results of students’ essays that represent the events of the formative context, which determined values and “modal personality” of this generation. The goal of this article is to reveal the main categories that the “homelander” generation uses to represent the generation formative context. The Samara University students’ essays, written since 2017 to 2022, have been used as empirical material for this research. A. Strauss’ triple qualitative coding has been used as a method. The study has found, that the students represent generation formative context by three categories: as a set of conditions for their further self-development, as events that reflect the formative period ambivalent character, and as the border period across two eras.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):83-91
pages 83-91 views

Consideration for children in homeschooling: the social research experience

Petrova I.E., Dulesin E.I.


The article is devoted to the study of considering children's opinions and interests by parents when implementing the family education. The spread of the family education in modern Russia is associated with the technological progress, political and social changes in society. The family education is a "crisis" practice that allows parents to save their children from its undesirable effects during crisis. The use of family education ensures eliminating the contradictions between the education system possibilities and the parents' demand for education. Parents' motives for choosing the family education are linked to their value orientations for education and upbringing. A series of in-depth interviews with parents identified key issues in protecting the rights and supporting the interests of children in the family education. An analysis of media content created by children about their own vision of the family education benefits was carried out. The features of organizing the family educational process, which includes parents' choice of educational programmes, subjects studied, teaching aids, methods of material presentation, contributes to the development of child independence, involves the use of tutors for additional preparation for the final attestation.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):92-98
pages 92-98 views


“Village prose” in the context of conflict between the traditional russian culture and the soviet modernity

Chetyrova L.B., Sakharov A.S.


The article is devoted to analysis of the works of the so-called «village prose» (F. Abramov,
V. Shukshin, V. Rasputin, A. Solzhenitsyn) in the decolonial perspective using the concept of internal colonization. The characteristics of this concept and its heuristic potential are given. The application of semiotic method -
distinction of markers - allowed the authors to determine the points of divergence in the socialist realism poetics and the village prose. It is shown that the village prose plots do not fit into the soviet ideological narratives, while the key narrative of the modern thinking - progress - in the artistic world of the village text testifies to the destruction of Russian village and the Russian peasantry. It is revealed that F. Abramov's application of the deconstruction method allowed to revaluate the narratives that are important for the soviet ideology. In V. Shukshin’s stories we have found an opposition of modernity - traditionalism, which serves as a precondition for the comic. It allows us to identify a subordinate position of a villager-peasant, irrelevant in the world of modernity.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):99-106
pages 99-106 views


Aphorisms of Dr. Rosenthal (Part II)

Semenova N.V.


The aphorisms of the journalist, publicist, physician August Osipovich Rosenthal (1830–1891) are introduced into scientific discourse. In 1855 Rosenthal raised an uprising that became part of the peasant uprisings of the mid-1850s. He was arrested and exiled to Siberia, later reinstated. In 1880 he emigrated: the published aphorisms refer to the overseas period of Rosenthal's life. The preamble to the text specifies biographical information based on archival sources from Rosenthal's personal fund (Manuscript Department of the IRLI (the Pushkin House) RAS, F. 258).
The published aphorisms are reflections on the moral nature of the human being and society. Distinctive features of Rosenthal's collection are a combination of didactics, humor and adherence to the knowledge scientific paradigm, openness to dialogue with the reader and declarative interactivity.

Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):107-117
pages 107-117 views

Information. News. Events

Human in the information society: prospects for interdisciplinary studies within the problem approach

Avdoshina N.V., Agafonov A.Y., Barinova E.P., Bocharov V.Y., Vandysheva L.V., Vaskina Y.V., Gotlib A.S., Egorova S.V., Zakharchenko N.A., Kositsin A.A., Kuchumova G.V., Leontieva O.B., Razinov Y.A., Sergeeva E.N., Sysoeva E.Y., Usacheva O.A., Shevchenko V.D.



Semiotic studies. 2023;3(2):118-130
pages 118-130 views

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