Vol 2, No 2 (2022)


Viktor Machnev: the central figure in the history of the Faculty of Sociology (in memory of Professor Viktor Yakovlevich Machnev)

Kolyakova I.


Viktor Yakovlevich Machnev passed away on the 21st of May 2022, a man whose creative and scientific biography is associated with Samara University, the Faculty of Sociology and the research community of Samara city. The purpose of the article is to present a portrait of a researcher, leader, enthusiastic person and a man of many accomplishments. There have been drawn the conclusions regarding the scholar’s wide recognition within the scientific environment and his success as part of teaching profession and academic career.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):6-10
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Demiurge and Sophia in the world of Star Trek: gnostic ideas in the film «USS Callister»

Ishchenko N.


The article analyzes the plan of expression and the plan of content of the American film “USS Callister” (2017) using the structural-semantic method. Four levels of analysis of signs in cinema are considered: three types signs that make up the characterological trait of a personality, referring to a character understood as an individuality, which in turn is a symbolic expression of a myth. In the film text “USS Callister” the gnostic images of the Demiurge and Sophia are created by means of cinematography, and such gnostic ideas as the hierarchy of the worlds, the abhorrence to flesh, souls’ life in the material world under the reign of the evil demiurge and the salvation-destruction of the world by Sophia, have been implemented into the plot. The film also refutes the gnostic idea that the God of the Old Testament is the evil demiurge of the gnostic cosmos via semantic mimicry. The film visualizes the gnostic mythology about two Sophias, earthly and heavenly, whose reunion marks the destruction of the material world and the humiliation of the Demiurge. The protagonist of the film – a genius programmer Robert Daly, who has created еру the modding of “Boundlessness” on his PC, in which he has reconstructed the Callister starship. The crew has been created using the Daly co-workers’ DNA to create sentient digital clones of them. When Nanette Cole, a genius female programmer, who has been copied into the above-mentioned modding, she is able “to get in touch with” her “celestial incarnation”, execute a break plan and, as the result, the whole artificial world is destroyed together with the demiurge. The film recreates gnostic mythology for an audience thinking in terms of 20th century American culture, and more specifically in the famous sci-fi franchise Star Trek.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):11-18
pages 11-18 views

Semiotics of religious experience

Faritov V.


The article is devoted to the problem of semiotic aspects of religious experience. There have been pointed out the following main semiotic components of religious experience – sweven, prophecy, sign and interpretation, based on material analysis of the Isaiah sixth chapter. Moreover, there have been divulged the symbolic nature of the above-mentioned components. There has been given proof of the thesis that the semiotic components of religious experience determine each other, forming an integral semiotic structure. The theoretical basis of the study – the conceptual development of the Church Fathers, theologians and religious philosophers: Dionysius the Areopagite, John Chrysostom, Ignatius Brianchaninov, V.N. Lossky, A.F. Losev and others. Methodological principles and guidelines of historical and philosophical reconstruction, hermeneutics and semiotics are used in the present research.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Human and Cosmos

Dessauer F.


In the present research the Friedrich Dessauer’s monograph abstract “Human and Cosmos. The Essay” has been brought to the attention of the Russian-speaking readers for the first time ever. The above-mentioned academic paper as of 1948 is concerned with the space exploration: cosmos has been studied as the order within the physical, biological and spiritual worlds. Friedrich Dessauer is famous as a classical scholar of the philosophy of technology, the author of the “fourth kingdom” concept – the world of pre-established forms for technical problems. In the present work Dessauer is portrayed, in one respect, as a methodologist and a historian of science, demonstrating the principles and evolution of cognition in physics and biology on the system level. However, he has also been described as an anthropologist, interpreting a human being from the perspective of the experimental sciences as a means of physical, biological and spiritual worlds’ interconnection. Moreover, the scientist’s image has been presented in the form of an author of mental experiments, illustrating the science limits and possibilities. The published translation abstract comprises Chapter 3 “Human and Cosmos”, p. 67–126 of the editiones principes.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):25-49
pages 25-49 views


«The collapse» of engineer Garin: N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and A.N. Tolstoy

Perepelkin M.


In this article, a comparative analysis of two stories regarding childhood has been carried out –
“Tyoma’s Childhood” by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and “Nikita’s Childhood” by A.N. Tolstoy. Analyzing the initial plot situations of the two stories, key episodes and denouements, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that A.N. Tolstoy has undertaken a kind of revision of the narrative of his predecessor, writing not just another version of “childhood”, but simply an anti-Garin literary work. The reasons for this revision have both biographical and creative roots: being personally acquainted with N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky in his youth and influenced by him, later A.N. Tolstoy came to the conclusion of reconsidering his juvenile ideals, contrasting synthetism with Garin’s analyticism, and collapse and disharmony poetry – with the poetry of fullness of being and cheerful affirmation. The motives of fear, death, and comprehension of fatherhood are carefully examined. Furthermore, special attention is paid to the analysis of “vertical” episodes in each of the two stories that “stand out” against the background of the general “horizontal” narration (in case of N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, this is the episode of the protagonist coming down / descent into the old well, in A. Tolstoy – the protagonist’s “praying” in the traveling coach).

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):50-60
pages 50-60 views

The dimensional outlook levels of the writer N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky

Golubkov S.


In the present article the author analyzes the role of images in the writer’s consciousness. A writer, possessing extensive travel experience and comparative perception of “his” / “her” and “someone else’s” concepts and ideas, will look like a much more trustworthy and objective descriptor of domestic spaces and life realities. The railway trips of the engineer and writer Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky have produced an impact on the dimensional impressions and his work. The author’s dimensional experience is reflected via the travel sketches “Volynia Pictures”, “Drawing from Nature with a Pencil. Across the Western Siberia”, “Across Korea, Manchuria and Liaotung Peninsula”, “Through the Window of the Wagon”, “Around the World”. Such literary images constitute a unique metageography – a set of subjective images of the surrounding spaces. The concept “road” and its intertwining symbolic meanings has acquired special significance for N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. The above-mentioned influence may be interpreted due to the participation of engineer Mikhailovsky in the implementation of huge transport projects. In addition to its purely utilitarian meaning, the road in the consciousness of the Russian person has acquired a broader semantic increment. N. Garin-Mikhailovsky’s consciousness has not been limited to the provincial theme, he has also been interested in the problems of the civilization development, the opportunities and challenges of the modern technical era, events and processes referring to the social history. Being in a county town or in the Volga Region village, he has always felt that he belonged to a bigger world. The sketch “Around the World” is notable in this case, reflecting the impressions of a round-the-world trip made in 1898. The civilizational, social and psychological aspects of the author’s reflections are of great relevance and significance.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):61-68
pages 61-68 views

“Orchid” by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky: features of the playwright’s communicative strategies

Tyutelova L., Ivanova V.


The authors of the article analyze the literary heritage of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, a writer who has worked in a variety of genres – from a fairy tale to story, from a story to drama. The writer’s dramaturgy characterizes by a relatively low percentage rate of coverage studies on the theoretical level, although it comprises a number of significant features that reflect the drama development at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries – the changes in the dramatic language may be pointed out in Garin’s texts. The article gives a brief description of N.G. Garin’s dramaturgy, and his play “Orchid” is analyzed in detail. The interest of researchers is focused on the organization of the author’s interaction with the reader / viewer and on the certain features of the drama poetics, which make it possible to compare Garin’s play with neo-dramatic aesthetics. Methodologically, the authors rely on the communicative theory and historical poetics. The empirical material is the text of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. As a source of factual material, five-volume collected works of the author, published by Goslitizdat Publishing House in 1957–1958, have been used. Among the scientific results of the work the authors point out systematic analysis of the play by Garin-Mikhailovsky, description of the author’s strategies for interacting with the reader / viewer, revealing the structure of central images and key scenes in a dramatic action. In accordance with its inner nature, the play “Orchid” is a kind of dramatized psychological research with a new type of dramatic protagonist, bearing the features of the epic drama with a special “literary quality”, which has been noted by the contemporary reviews relating to the Garin-Mikhailovsky times.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):69-77
pages 69-77 views

Published at the expense of N. Garin-Mikhailovsky: R. Zimmerman and his book «Kulak-usury, its socio-economic significance» through the eyes of the publisher

Pelevina O.


In 1898 in St. Petersburg at the expense of N. Garin-Mikhailovsky was published a book by the writer and journalist R. Zimmerman «Kulak-usury, its socio-economic significance». The reason for the latter’s interest in the ideas of socio-economic development of the country derived by Zimmerman in his work was N. Garin-Mikhailovsky’s own reflections, which formed the basis of the story «Several years in the village». This article, firstly, examines the problems and poetics of Garin-Mikhailovsky’s story about an unsuccessful attempt to discover the causes of social disharmony. Secondly, an attempt is being made to read R. Zimmerman’s book «Kulak-usury, its socio-economic significance» through the eyes of its publisher, who saw in R. Zimmerman’s work the answer he sought, but did not find at the time, to the question of who is to blame for the collapse of his hopes for the restoration of harmonious existence.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):78-83
pages 78-83 views


Yevgeny Fomich Molevich: patterns of progressive evolution of his life path in the 1960s–70s

Avdoshina N., Bocharov V.Y.


Professor of the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies of Samara University Evgeniy Fomich Molevich reached 91 years on the 25th of April 2022. Anniversary events and publications regarding this famous scientist have shown that for the modern youth he remains an example and a “man of progress”. Nevertheless, the origins of his progressive thinking and the foundation of all his modern concepts of society development were laid in the distant 1960s and 1970s. This period of Molevich work as a philosopher is undeservedly overshadowed by the following discoveries of Molevich as a sociologist, although it is obvious that these are interrelated roles of this amazing person. This article examines the period of formation of Y.F. Molevich as an independent researcher. Moreover, additional attention is paid to his creative path as an employee of the Ural State University and the beginning of his working period at Samara University. The contribution of E.F. Molevich is examined and analyzed within the scope of his correcting interpretation of the philosophical law “negation of negation” and the concept development referring to the nature’s dialectical evolution. Both concepts will have been applied in the further established sociological theory.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):84-88
pages 84-88 views

Perm (fainburg) scientific school of sociology: history and development process

Levchenko V., Fainburg G.Z., Razinsky G.


The Perm School of Sociology appeared in the mid-60s of the twentieth century to a large extent thanks to the famous philosopher, sociologist, culturologist, political economist, doctor of philosophy and candidate of economic sciences, professor Zakhar Ilyich Fainburg (24.01.1922 – 10.09.1990). The distinctive feature of this scholar school has been the working combination of profound theoretical analysis of the modern social phenomena, fundamental reasons’ revealing of their occurrence and specific applied empirical researches, ending with specific recommendations that take into account the analyzed organizations’ and regions’ specific features. The present school to exists, functions and actively works for the benefit of the sociology of Russia.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):89-97
pages 89-97 views

Digital economy: the core and the periphery

Zolotov S.


In this article there have been analyzed different classification criteria of the modern economy. It has been established that the economy of the 21st century is characterized by a certain degree of digitalization. The influence of the digital technologies on the development of the economy is analyzed in accordance with the degree of digital technologies used in economic processes. The uneven nature of digitalization has been established at various levels: global, national and sectoral. As a result of the uneven nature development of the digital economy, two sectors of this economy have been pointed out. They may be identified as the “core” and “periphery” of the digital economy. It has been revealed that the differences between the core and the periphery of the digital economy are generally due to the elements’ specific character of the working environment (manufacturing situation). There have been determined the key differences within the scope of the basic elements referring to the manufacturing situation of the core and periphery: the amount of earnings, working conditions, working hours.

Semiotic studies. 2022;2(2):98-103
pages 98-103 views

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