Lithological and stratigraphic characteristics of the upper permian and triassic deposits of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field

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The article considers the results of part of the research, groundworkss, as well as the experience gained in the implementation of the project to study the core of the Triassic and Tatar horizons of the Karachaganak field. This project included both direct work with core material, conducting a series of laboratory studies on it in order to determine the conditions of sedimentation, understanding their extent, determining the age of rocks, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and facies modeling to obtain facies maps, correlation schemes and profiles. One of the most interesting and important stages of the project implementation was biostratigraphic analysis and the construction of a correlation scheme on its basis in order to conduct a qualitative correlation of the section, which is the basis for identifying the conditions of sedimentation and understanding their strike in space.

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About the authors

Nikita A. Pronin

Atyrau branch of «KMG Engineering» LLP

руководитель службы анализа керна Atyrau

Alexey Petrovich Pronin

«Kazkorresech» LLP

начальник отдела геологического анализа Atyrau

Turar E. Dzhumabaev

Atyrau branch of «KMG Engineering» LLP

ведущий инженер лаборатории геохимических исследований нефти, воды и породы Atyrau

Rahim N. Uteev

Atyrau branch of «KMG Engineering» LLP

директор филиала Atyrau


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Copyright (c) 2022 Pronin N.A., Pronin A.P., Dzhumabaev T.E., Uteev R.N.

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