Applying geological and mathematical modeling to predict fluid influx in horizontal wells (the case of Kalamkas oil field)

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One of the ways to increase well oil production is to reduce the filtration resistance of the bottom-hole zone. Along with well-known stimulation methods, such as modern methods of treating well’s bottom-hole zone, side tracking (drilling of lateral horizontal boreholes) is of great interest. The following works have been implemented Kalamkas field: a complex of geological, geophysical and field exploration; correlation schemes to track the lithology of the formation; clarifying structural maps and engineering maps; justifying activities to select one or more wells for horizontal drilling; hydrodynamic calculations and estimating their flow rate.

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About the authors

B. H. Nugmanov

ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг»

директор департамента по геологии, Филиал «КазНИПИмунайгаз» Актау


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