Position of the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in the sections of Western Mongolia according to the malacological data




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The Early Permian (275.3 ± 3.1 Ma) 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of detrital mica (Cr-phengite) from clasts in listvenite sandstones of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence of the Rassokha Terrane of the Chersky Range probably corresponds (or is close) to the time of the formation of listvenites of the provenance (ophiolitic massifs of the range) and restricts the maximum deposition age of clastic rocks. A partial loss of Ar by mica as a result of deformations and postsedimentation transformation of rocks of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence in the Early Permian is possible but it is less probable.




P. Parkhaev

A.A. Borisyak Paleontological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pparkh@paleo.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

E. Zhegallo

A.A. Borisyak Paleontological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pparkh@paleo.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

D. Dorjnamjaa

Institute of Paleontology Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Email: pparkh@paleo.ru
蒙古, Ulan-Bator


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2. Fig. 1. The ratio of the Cambrian divisions of the General stratigraphic Scale of Russia and the International Chronostratigraphic Scale.

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3. Fig. 2. The position of the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary in the Bayangol formation of the Dzabkhan structural-facies zone of Western Mongolia according to various authors [9, 11-13] (Precambrian divisions are flooded with gray) and generalized stratigraphic distribution of the main species of mollusks.

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4. Fig. 3. Zonal species of mollusks of the Purella antiqua – Latouchella korobkovi zone complexes (1-9; Nemakite-Daldynsky tier, Upper Vendian) and Watsonella crosbyi – Merismoconcha tommotica zone (10-16; Tommotsky tier, Lower Cambrian) from the Bayangol formation of Western Mongolia: 1 – Maikhanella multa Zhegallo, 1982, ex. PIN, No. 3302/2389, Bayan-gol section; 2 – Purella antiqua (Abaimova, 1976), ex. PIN, No. 3302/2066, Salaana-gol incision; 3 – Postacanthella pelmani Zhegallo, 1996, ex. PIN, No. 3302/1750, Salaana-gol section; 4 – Latouchella korobkovi (Vostokova, 1962), ex. PIN, No. 3302/1755, Salaana-gol section; 5 – Anabarella plana Vostokova, 1962, ex. PIN, No. 3302/2364, Bayan-gol section; 6 – Barskovia sinistrivolubilis (Missarzhevsky, 1981), GIN holotype, No. 4294/9, Salaana-gol section; 7 – Khairkhania rotata Missarzhevsky, 1981, ex. PIN, No. 3302/1530, Salaana-gol section; 8 – Salanyella costulata Missarzhevsky, 1981, ex. PIN, No. 3302/1799, Salaana-gol incision; 9 – Ilsanella compressa Zhegallo, 1982, ex. PI

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5. Fig. 4. Correlation of the studied sections of the Bayangol formation of the Dzabkhan structural-facies zone of Western Mongolia and the stratigraphic distribution of mollusks (species of the Watsonella crosbyi – Merismoconcha tommotica zone are highlighted in bold).

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