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The work analyzed the results of state agroecological monitoring of soils carried out in the southwestern part of the forest-steppe zone of the Central Chernozemic region of Russia. It was found that the average gross content of As and Hg in horizon A of arable chernozem of the typical forest-steppe zone of the Central Chernozemic region is 4.18 and 0.022 mg/kg, respectively. In the parent rock (C), the content of As is 1.38 times higher, and Hg is 2.22 times lower than in A. In the agroecosystems of the Belgorod region organic fertilizers are the main source of As and Hg, but this does not pose a danger to soil pollution and crop production. The highest average As content (0.020 mg/kg) was found in winter wheat grains, peas and sunflower seeds, and the lowest (0.016 mg/kg) was found in corn and soybean grains. The highest content of Hg is characterized by barley grains (0.006 mg/kg) and winter wheat (0.007 mg/kg), and the lowest content of this element (0.002 mg/kg) was noted in esparcet hay. Exceeding the levels of maximum allowable concentration of As and Hg for food grains and maximum allowable level for feed products was not revealed in the studies.

Sobre autores

S. Lukin

Belgorod Center for Agrochemical Service; Belgorod State National Research University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russian, Belgorod; Russian, Belgorod


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