The Results of Reforms in the Field of Training Highly Qualified Personnel in the Late XX- Early XXI Century: Scientific Personnel





Aim - to study the last 25 yeas dynamics in the system of Russian postgraduate education. The research is based on institutional analysis of the system of postgraduate education, as well as the resource approach in assessing the human potential of scientific personnel, postgraduate students and doctoral students. A comparative approach allowed us to analyze the dynamics of changes in the numbers, gender, age characteristics of researchers, doctoral students and graduate students for the last decades. Other methods used include analysis and systematization of statistical data, periodization method, analysis of theoretical sources, secondary analysis of sociological data. Results: the article presents the overview of Russian postgraduate education system evolution and analyses characteristics of its present state. The authors introduce their own periodization of the postgraduate education system development. The study presents human capacity, age and gender profiles of scientific personnel. The study reveals the trend in reducing the number of organizations providing postgraduate studies, as well as the decrease in the number of postgraduate and doctoral students and researchers. The authors came to the conclusion that the present situation is characterized by the contradiction between government regulation to the system of postgraduate education and its possibilities to ensure these requirements. The crisis in the system of Russian postgraduate education is evident. The presented results evaluate the process of training highly qualified educational personnel, the effectiveness of the institute of postgraduate and doctoral studies, as well as the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of scientific personnel in Russia. The data presented in the article will contribute to the development of the state educational policy and bring the process of training highly qualified educational personnel in accordance with the requirements and demand for highly qualified specialists in modern industry and science.


Ekaterina Zaitseva

Ural Federal University the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, Methodology and Legal Support of State and Municipal Administration Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Vladimir Zapariy

Ural Federal University the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation; Professor of Department of Russian History Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Garry Asryan

Military University. V. Sargsyan MO RA

Cand. Sci. (Military), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Science and Quality of Education Yerevan, Armenia


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