Medical rehabilitation: problems and solutions





To questions regarding the rehabilitation process in patients with impaired functions and structures, limited activity due to diseases or conditions, which in most cases lead to disability, Galina E. Ivanova MD the head of department of medical rehabilitation, Faculty of Additional Professional Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution named after N. I. Pirogova, and also the head of the medical rehabilitation department of the Federal Center for Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke of the Russian Ministry of Health. During the conversation, important aspects of clinical nutrition were touched upon like “in order to compensate for the loss of energy and structural elements of tissues in this category of patients.”


G. Ivanova

The state autonomous educational institution the Russian national research university of N.I.Pirogov

SPIN 代码: 4049-4581

Professor, Doctor of medical sciences,The chief of department of medical rehabilitation of faculty of additional professional education state autonomous educational institution the RNIMU organizations of N.I.Pirogov, the manager of department of medical rehabilitation of the FC CVPS  of Ministry of Health of Russia

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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