Vol 34, No 1 (2024)

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Technologies, Machinery and Equipment

Study of Potato Tuber Motion on the Elevator with a Separation Intensifier

Gadzhiev P.I., Uspenskiy I.A., Yukhin I.A., Ramazanova G.G., Gadzhiev I.P.


Introduction. When harvesting potatoes from the waterlogged soils, the gaps between the elevator bars become clogged, the soil separation efficiency decreases while damage to potato tubers and yield loss increases. In this study, the authors propose a potato harvester intensifier in the paddle conveyor form to improve the separation quality for specific conditions. It is located under the carrying run of the main elevator apron.

Aim of the Study. The aim of the study is theoretical justification of the potato harvester paddle intensifier for separating potato tubers from waterlogged soils in order to reduce damage to potatoes during harvesting.

Materials and Methods. There was analyzed the work of the separation intensifier with a paddle conveyor located under the carrying side of the potato harvester main elevator with flexible flat blades moving towards the main elevator apron. The intensifier paddle, installed under the elevator carrying side, must act as a pusher when potato tubers stick and fall into the gap between the elevator bars in harvesting potatoes from waterlogged soils.

Results. The analysis of potato tuber motion relative to the bar has showed that under the specified parameters and conditions the pitch of blades equal to 210 mm provides the falling of the ball clod from the bar and blade on the conveyor belt without impact. In order to avoid the friction of potato tubers and impurities with bars, the distance between the intensifier conveyor belt and bars must exceed the gap between bars. When the distance between the conveyor belt and bar is equal to 30 mm, the blade pitch is determined to within 1 per cent by the speed of a blade moving relative to the bar.

Discussion and Conclusion. The conducted theoretical studies of the blade intensifier of potato harvester separation on overwatered soils revealed its high efficiency, which is confirmed by the results of field experiments.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):10-25
pages 10-25 views

Influence of the Grid Inclination Angle on the Efficiency of Preliminary Separation of the Combed Heap

Nikitin V.V., Ozherelev V.N.


Introduction. A highly topical scientific and practical task is to justify the choice of the most advanced variant of the device for pre-separating the combed heap and to optimize its design.

Aim of the Study. The study is aimed at testing the effect of the grid inclination angle on the effectiveness of pre-separating the combed heap.

Materials and Methods. It is possible to minimize the separated grain flow into the threshing machine either by means of a feeder house grid bottom or by means of a horizontal separating device, located directly in front of the threshing drum. To select the optimal design of the separation device, there was planned and conducted a laboratory experiment. The study was carried out in two stages. In the first series of experiments, the elevator body was installed horizontally, and in the second series – at an angle of 45° to the horizon. The width of the grid bottom openings had four variations (6, 8, 10 and 12 mm), and the speed of the scraper conveyor was 3 m/s. A combed heap of the winter wheat variety Moskovskaya 56 was selected as the study object. The grain moisture was 12%.

Results. According to the results of laboratory studies, it was found that with an increase in the width of the grid surface openings, the intensity of separating grain increases. The maximum device throughput (90%) corresponds to the horizontal position of the grid bottom of the experimental installation and the width of the openings b = 12 mm. Extrapolation of the separated grain decreasing graph indicates that to ensure complete separation of grain, the length of the separating grid should be at least L = 0.9 m.

Discussion and Conclusion. The use of a horizontal separating grid allows increasing the device separation efficiency and reducing its metal content by 14–16%.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):26-43
pages 26-43 views

Technical and Economic Efficiency of Using Multifunctional Containers in Primary Seed Production of Grain Crops

Chaplygin M.E., Stepanov K.A.


Introduction. A very common technology of pedigree seed production is associated with manual in-process transshipment of many sacks that over time results in damaged sacks and in worsening of grain storage conditions. In this regard, there is a need to design a multifunctional rigid container, which will provide cost-effective storage of seed grain through the airtightness and control of the indoor environment.

Aim of the Study. The study is aimed at designing a multifunctional container for primary seed production of grain crops with justification according to the criteria of technical and economic efficiency in comparison with pallet spaces and sacks.

Materials and Methods. The state standard for economic evaluation of agricultural machinery was applied to assess the impact of reducing in-process transshipment of many sacks and seed losses in primary seed production of grain crops. Wheat seeds were used as the seed-producing crop under study. As service equipment there were used Wintersteiger Delta plot combine with a cutterbar working width of 2 m, seed bagging system or grain hopper 1.5 m3, Belarus 622 tractor with 1PTS-2 semi-trailer, TOR CD1 10916 electric telpher, and convective grain drying units on the basis of SL-0.3x 2 tray dryer for grain.

Results. The authors of the article have estimated the technical and economic efficiency of using sacks and multifunctional containers in technological operations of harvesting, transporting and drying grain. With the annual notional volume of work in 400.7 tons, the saving of total money costs for a plot seed combine-harvester averages 117.9 thousand rubles. The reduction in the cost of work performance is 32.8%, payback period is 2 years; the decrease in the need for service personnel and harvesters is not revealed. At the same time, the reduction in the need for energy sources is 32.3%.

Discussion and Conclusion. It has been determined that during technological operations of harvesting, transporting and drying, the best seed production performance is when using the multifunctional container with the following indicators of specific cargo turnover, p: Ui = 800 t/km2; Lг = 0.15 km; b = 0.01 km; Lпт = 0.5 km, initial humidity of seeds is 21%. In the process of using this container, the production cost, need for service personnel, energy sources and machinery are reduced.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):44-71
pages 44-71 views

Agricultural Engineering

Optimization of Parameters of Adaptive Spray System for Agricultural Sprayer

Gureev I.I., Nuralin B.N., Mukhtarov M.U., Kostyuchenkova O.N.


Introduction. When growing tall-growth crops (cereal crops in late the phases of development, corn, sunflower, etc.), there are used boom sprayers equipped with twin-fluid spray cones with fixed angles of inclination to the vertical of the spray cones. The working fluid is applied with such sprays are more intensively on the front side of the plant leaves while the intensity of covering the plants from the back side with the working fluid decreases. The development of the spray system will allow improving the quality of crop treatment with boom sprayers.

Aim of the Study. The aim of the research is to determine experimentally the algorithm for changing the angles of inclination of a twin-fluid spray cone that provides the same intensity of applying working liquid to the leaves of high-growth plants.

Materials and Methods. The research was carried out on a test bench by applying colored water to the front and rear sides of a tall-growth plant model moving at a specified speed. The experiment was carried out according to the method of optimal planning. The difference between the content of droplets on the front and rear sides of the tall-growth plant model was taken as an optimization parameter. Variable factors were the spray cone inclination angles and the operating speed of the sprayer.

Results. The algorithm for changing the optimum values of the spray cone inclination angles depending on the sprayer speed was determined based on the equality of the first derivative of the optimization to zero parameter by the value of these angles.

Discussion and Conclusion. According to the algorithm, when the sprayer operating speed increases from 1.2 to 3.2 m/s, the optimal angle of inclination to the front spray cone vertical changes linearly from 25 to 21 degrees, and the rear one ‒ from 46.7 to 57 degrees. This algorithm will allow justifying the technical specifications to develop a processor for automatic control of the spray cone inclination angles cones when the sprayer is operating.

Funding: The research was carried out in the Federal Agricultural Kursk Research Center under the state assignment No. FGZU-2022-0005 and at the Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University under the R&D plan for 2020‒2025 “Resource-saving technologies and technical means of cultivation and harvesting of agricultural crops in Western Kazakhstanˮ.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):72-87
pages 72-87 views

Determination of the Water Jet Geometric Parameters Depending on the Type of Nozzle and Jet Operation Mode

Shutenko A.V., Khort D.O.


Introduction. The article describes the process of considering the geometric parameters of water jet depending on a water jet operation mode and nozzle type. Within the framework of the study of hydraulic soil treatment in the under-tree zones, it became necessary to study the water jet parameters when using different types of nozzles. There was need to determine the geometric parameters of water flow for calculating the cross-sectional area and determining the structural features of the water jet formation. These characteristics are important for a complete description, subsequent study and calculation of water jet action during hydraulic soil treatment; they also allow studying the real shape and structure of the water jet when using different types of nozzles.

Aim of the study. The study is aimed at determining the geometric parameters of the water jet for different nozzles including turbo cutters located at different heights.

Materials and Methods. To solve this problem, there was developed a test bench, on four pillars, to which the adapter of the supply line of the high-pressure apparatus with replaceable nozzles is fixed. To fix the position and shape of the water jet with a certain frequency, a Basler ace acA1920 camera was used. There was also used a high-pressure apparatus with a maximum pressure of P = 140 MPa, a maximum flow rate of Q = 360 l/h. A standard nozzle with a flat jet, a standard turbo nozzle, and a turbo nozzle of the developed design were used. The geometric parameters of the water jet section were measured from the photographs obtained.

Results. From the photos obtained, it can be seen that the rotating water stream entering the turbo nozzle of its own design and the standard turbo nozzle disintegrates from rapid rotation, forming a cone, the cross-sectional area of which is a circle, and affects the soil surface. A flat jet is characterized by a rectangular cross-section.

Discussion and Conclusion. According to the results of the study we can draw the following conclusions, the nozzle of the proposed design allows creating water jets of the largest area, which should provide an increase in the working width and, as a consequence, an increase in productivity and quality of soil surface treatment in mainline plantations. This study will also make it possible to analyze the structure of the jet during its operation.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):88-100
pages 88-100 views

Modeling and Forecasting the Removal of Biogenic Elements from Agricultural Lands Depending on the Soil Agrophysical Properties

Jabborov N.I., Savelyev A.P., Dobrinov A.V., Zakharov A.M., Zhuikov I.I.


Introduction. Environmental pollution prevention, including prevention of water bodies, with nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) when they are removed from agricultural lands with possible runoff is a topical problem that requires a timely solution. The studies have found that the removal of nutrients is a result of geochemical processes, fertilization, and other factors. In this regard, mathematical modeling of the process of removal of nutrients from agricultural lands and their possible entry into water bodies is an urgent task.

Aim of the Study. The study is aimed at modeling and predicting the process of possible removal of nutrients from agricultural lands to water bodies.

Materials and Methods. When conducting the study, there were used well-known modeling methods. They are the methods for calculating the removal of nutrients from agricultural objects into water bodies, based on the minimum amount of initial information for predicting the eutrophication of water bodies and agrochemical methods taking into account the structure and size of field and agricultural areas, crop yields, and removal nutrients with the harvest.

Results. Based on an analysis of the literature and expert judgment, a list of the most significant indicators influencing the process of nitrogen and phosphorus removal was justified. There have been developed mathematical models to determine and predict the input of nutrients from agricultural lands to water bodies. There have been found significant indicators influencing the amount of input of nutrients, such as the amount of applied fertilizers, the volume of moisture, soil water capacity, field area, depth of cultivation, etc. There is given an example of calculating the amount of input of nutrients into water bodies with a rainfall intensity of 50 mm per hour.

Discussion and Conclusion. The essence of the proposed mathematical models comes down to the synthesis of numerous indicators in the complex process of removal of nutrients and their impact on water quality. The proposed mathematical models make it possible to predict the removal of nutrients from agricultural lands and to develop and implement technical and technological solutions to prevent environmental pollution.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):101-114
pages 101-114 views

Increasing the Uniformity of Application of Mineral and Lime Fertilizers

Ovchinnikov V.A., Zhalnin N.A., Komolov A.D., Zykin E.S., Tyurin I.Y.


Introduction. Modern agricultural production is based on the use of resource-saving technologies for agricultural production. An important element of these technologies is the use of mineral fertilizers and special importance is given to the uniformity of applying them.

Aim of the Study. The study is aimed at improving the process of applying mineral and lime fertilizers through the development of a pneumatic centrifugal working body.

Materials and Methods. For the theoretical studies, there were used the principles of mathematics and theoretical mechanics. The experimental studies were carried out at the testing ground of the Institute of Mechanics and Energy of Mordovia State University. The quality assessment of the operation of the unit equipped with experimental working bodies was carried out in accordance with GOST 28714-2007.

Results. To better distribute mineral fertilizers of heterogeneous granulometric composition over the field surface, there has been proposed a working element, the operating principle of which is based on the total use of mechanical and pneumatic effects on the granules of the agricultural inputs. The use of the developed working bodies makes it possible to increase the uniformity of fertilizer application by 17.6%

Discussion and Conclusion. As a result of the conducted study, there has been proven the effectiveness of using the developed pneumocentrifugal working body, which makes it possible to increase the uniformity of distribution of mineral and lime fertilizers.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):115-127
pages 115-127 views

Food Systems

Scientific and Technical Basis for the Development of an Induction Heating Unit for Milk Pasteurization

Neverov E.N., Vladimirov A.A., Korotkih P.S., Nikolaeva E.V., Porokhnov A.N.


Introduction. Induction heating is a preferred heating technique for industrial, medical and consumer systems, because it has a number of advantages over traditional heat transfer methods. The advantages include energy efficiency, heating rate, safety of operation, cleanliness of the process, low metal consumption, simple design, and precise control of the temperature of the heated raw materials. An induction heating unit is especially important for farms involved in processing of milk and producing milk-based products.

Aim of the Study. The study is aimed at developing a prototype unit for long-term pasteurization of milk using a container heated by induction currents and at selecting optimal operating conditions for the developed prototype unit.

Materials and Methods. There was used 3D modeling in the KOMPAS-3D computer-aided design system to develop the main components of a milk pasteurization prototype unit with induction heating. The container for raw materials, stirrer and lid are made of stainless steel AISI 304 and AISI 430. The inductor is a frame made of polymer material with a litz wire arranged in a spiral manner. The body of the prototype unit is made of aluminum composite material. The developing and debugging of the electronic circuit of the prototype unit power part was carried out with the use of the design program Proteus 7.10. The microcontroller Mega 2560 was used to make the power part of the electromagnetic induction generation unit. The controlled temperature was monitored by using the waterproof temperature sensor DS18B20. A thermal imager was used to visualize the propagation of the thermal field over the surface of the container walls.

Results. The structure diagram of the developed prototype unit with induction heating for long-term pasteurization of milk is presented. The article gives grounds to the use of the necessary elements and actuators in the unit for pasteurization of milk in a container heated by induction currents. There are presented a diagram of the developed power part for the prototype unit and the results of testing it when heating containers made of various materials. An algorithm has been developed to control the operation and PID regulation of the milk pasteurization in an experimental unit with the use the Raspberry Pi microcomputer. The graphs of transient processes when changing the coefficients of PID temperature control are presented.

Discussion and Conclusion. When testing the induction heating principle on stainless steels of different compositions, it has been concluded that for the efficiency of heating the container, there is required a ferromagnetic steel pad welded on top of the main container made of food-grade stainless steel. The developed system of inductors made it possible to create a prototype unit with two heating zones depending on the volume of processed raw materials that is important for small farms engaged in processing milk and producing milk-based products.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):128-144
pages 128-144 views

Instruments and Methods of Experimental Physics

Using Laser Point Scanning Thermography for Quality Monitoring of Products Made of Composite Materials

Divin A.G., Karpov S.V., Zakharov Y.A., Karpova N.A., Samodurov A.A., Golovin D.Y., Tyurin A.I.


Introduction. Control of the presence of subsurface defects in products from composite materials is necessary for verification of products after release from production and in the process of operation.

Aim of the Study. The purpose of the presented work is to estimate the parameters of subsurface defects using local laser thermography, suitable for quality control of both small objects and suspicious areas of large objects with curved surfaces.

Materials and Methods. The laboratory setup on which this work was carried out includes a robotic arm, a COX CG640 thermal imager and a 3 W laser. The method was tested on a fiberglass sample with introduced delamination defect simulations located at different depths below the surface. By means of computer modeling rational parameters of thermographic control were selected, providing reliable detection of the defect at a depth of up to 3 mm under the surface of the composite sample.

Results. Numerical modeling of surface temperature field induced by moving focused laser beam was carried out using COMSOL software package. It showed that laser beam with 3 W power moving at 5 mm/s provided the thermal contrast sufficient to detect the defects at the depth up to 3 mm. The obtained experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with numerical modeling both qualitatively and quantitatively. Experimental data were used to construct a regression model for determining defect depth based on the maximal thermal contrast and the time interval between heating and the contrast maximum.

Discussion and Conclusion. The results obtained in this work allow us to propose a technique for detecting defects in fiberglass plastics and estimating their depth. The coefficient of determination for the obtained regression model was found to be equal to 0.95, and the mean square error of the metric was no more than 0.016 mm2. The use of a robotic arm to scan objects will make it possible to investigate objects with complex curved surfaces.

Engineering technologies and systems. 2024;34(1):145-163
pages 145-163 views

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