Volume 22, Nº 1 (2023)


Edição completa


The problems of creating a propulsion system of a new generation supersonic passenger aircraft (review)

Alendar A., Lanshin A., Evstigneev A., Yakubovsky K., Siluyanova M.


The problems of creating a propulsion system for a new generation supersonic passenger aircraft are considered on the basis of a review of the work on the supersonic transport being carried out in the world. It is shown that the desire to achieve high flight performance and commercial effectiveness of a supersonic passenger aircraft while meeting up-to-date environmental requirements leads to contradictory technical solutions regarding the propulsion system: the location and number of engines, the scheme of the air intake and nozzle, the choice of the scheme and design parameters of the engine, the use of new high-temperature materials in the engine hot section, etc. The features of the operating conditions of the engine components of a supersonic passenger aircraft in comparison with the engines of up-to-date subsonic civil aviation aircraft and supersonic military aircraft are indicated. The calculated estimates of the influence of various technical solutions on the parameters of the supersonic passenger aircraft engine are given. Due to the complexity and multi-criterion nature of the task of creating a supersonic passenger aircraft propulsion system, its solution requires an integrated approach based on close cooperation of specialists in airframe aerodynamics, engine, etc.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):7-28
pages 7-28 views

Survey of the flight efficiency of a long-haul aircraft under uncertainty of tasks

Markiewicz P.


The article considers the problem of optimizing a long-haul aircraft flight under uncertainty of objectives and tasks. Based on the analysis of the well-known flight mode selection criterion, two main objectives of the flight were identified – minimizing fuel consumption and flight endurance. The study of this criterion based on a multi-purpose approach made it possible to develop an analytical model of the performance indicator containing two objective functions and a weight coefficient as a measure of comparative importance between the identified objectives. It is shown that the weight coefficient in the tasks of flight efficiency research is a measure of the uncertainty of the tasks. Consideration of the weight coefficient role in the optimization problem objective function made it possible to develop operational and trajectory methods for selecting flight modes. In the developed statement of the problem, the problems of cruise flight optimization and climb and descent modes are considered. The paper introduces the concept of the optimal cruise range as a vertical separation criterion, which allows you to rationally design the flight path at different flight levels under the uncertainty of tasks. The procedure for researching the efficiency and optimization of flight has been conducted and demonstrated by the method of mathematical modeling. The results of optimizing the flight mode are compared with the typical flight modes recommended by the flight manual. The introduced methods of flight efficiency investigation can be helpful in developing recommendations of long-haul aircraft operation. The methods and principles of a multi-purpose approach, operations research and decision theory were used in the paper. The long-haul aircraft IL-96-300 was selected as the object of research.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):29-40
pages 29-40 views


Development of an experimental plant and a numerical model of an axial magnetic rotor suspension

Benedyuk M., Lomachev A., Badykov R., Bezborodova K., Yurtaev A.


This article presents the results of the work on the creation of an experimental plant, its testing, as well as the development of a computational model of a rotor magnetic suspension with the use of axial electromagnets. The main purpose of producing the plant was to test the results of the developed numerical finite element model. An automatic control system was developed for the experimental installation. The electrical circuit was assembled on the basis of a ESP32 microcontroller with a clock frequency of 240 MHz and a PWM with a capacity of 10 bits. A PID-regulator program was developed. The coefficients kP, kD, kI used in the code of the electronic control system program (PID-controller) were selected. An experimental study of the bearing capacity of the axial active magnetic bearing under the influence of an external axial force was conducted. The required power of the axial active magnetic bearing was determined. The maximum load-bearing capacity of the installation for the selected coefficients of the PID-controller was determined. An axisymmetric finite-element model of the axial active magnetic bearing was created in the open-source program FEMM 4.2. The load-bearing capacity of the installation for a given current intensity value was calculated.  The results of the numerical modelling were compared with the experimental data obtained. The basic principles of creation and operation of the experimental plant and its numerical model are outlined.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):41-50
pages 41-50 views

Verification of a transonic stage CFD model for assessing the erosion wear influence on the operation of the axial compressor

Blinov V., Zubkov I.


The paper presents the results of one of the stages of creating a model of assessing and forecasting the operating characteristics of a transonic compressor due to erosive wear. A numerical model of a transonic compressor stage is constructed and verified to substantiate its applicability in calculating various degrees of blade erosive wear. The article contains a review of the basic approaches for turbulence simulation, their application area and basic features connected with 3D-flow simulation in turbomachines. The parameters and settings of the numerical model are shown. The CFD-obtained results are presented and compared with the experimental data and results of other researchers. By this comparison the accuracy of the CFD-obtained overall performance and the quality of modeling local processes are determined. Possible ways of improving the model’s accuracy are also specified.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):51-62
pages 51-62 views

Optimization of operation mode and design parameters of a finely-dispersed metallic liquid-alloy generator

Egorychev V., Ryazanov A., Khaimovich A.


During the process of designing new devices for the high-speed metallization process, there appears the necessity to define the stable operation range and search for the optimum values of the operation mode and design parameters. This paper describes a process of optimization of a device made for depositing low-melting metal coatings, based on the rocket chamber operation principle. The paper presents an analysis of the objective function surface response – metallizer operation performance. On the basis of this analysis the optimal values of fuel mass flow rate and excess oxidant ratio were determined. The choice of fuel and oxidizer throttling orifice cross-section areas was substantiated, the value of the throat cross-section for the metallizer flow-path was found. The expected performance of the designed device was also determined.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):63-74
pages 63-74 views

Features of dynamic processes in the “indentor – coating” system during tests on a tribometer

Kolesnikov I., Koropets P., Manturov D., Shakhmatov Y.


The features of a nonlinear model of the “indenter-coating” tribosystem of a tribometer are considered. It is shown that with an increase in the amplitude of harmonic perturbation, the dynamic system goes through the stage of doubling the cycle and passes into the regime of deterministic chaos. At the exit from chaos, it is possible to establish various synergistic regimes that stably retain their parameters even with a multiple decrease in the amplitude of the disturbance. A block diagram of the implementation of the evolutionary model is presented. As a result of the formation of equilibrium roughness, the motion of the system is a strange attractor. To substantiate the randomness of the strange attractor, an analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the ideal regenerative delay element with a gain factor less than unity, was carried out. The physical meaning of the strange attractor is that in a cyclic mode, a nonlinear dynamic system whose cycle time exceeds the period of natural oscillations by more than two orders of magnitude cannot come to the beginning of a new cycle with exactly the same parameters as to the beginning of the current cycle.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):75-84
pages 75-84 views

Methodology for assessing and reducing the aerodynamic imbalance of the impellers of GTE fans

Kudashov E., Grachev I., Bolotov M.


The reasons for the occurrence of increased vibration of the engine rotor due to aerodynamic imbalance of the fan of the first stage of the impeller are determined. A method for estimating the aerodynamic imbalance of the gas turbine engine fan is proposed, taking into account the influence of the following factors: geometric errors in the manufacture of blade airfoils and their positioning in the disk; deformation of the blade airfoil during the assembly of the impeller, as well as the factors of the working process occurring in the impeller. The use of the technique makes it possible to evaluate the aerodynamic imbalance of the impeller at the stage of its balancing and significantly reduce the amount of aerodynamic imbalance by determining the parameters for removing a layer of material or adding corrective masses. The influence of geometric errors of the blades on the value of the aerodynamic imbalance of the impeller was analyzed. Based on the results of the research, the type of dependence of unbalanced gas forces on the influence of technological and operational factors of the impeller under consideration was determined.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):85-97
pages 85-97 views

Results of conjugate modeling and analysis of the thermal state of a high-pressure turbine blade

Matveev V., Melnikov S., Popov G., Zubanov V., Kudryashov I., Shcherban A.


Numerical modeling for the purpose of receiving the temperature field of cooled rotor blades and its improvement is an integral process of modern design of gas turbine engines since the issue of cooling at gas temperature at the combustion chamber outlet over 1800-2000 K is becoming one of the key ones. To ensure the specified parameters of turbine operation during its design, it is necessary to obtain reliable calculation data. The article presents an algorithm for forming a calculation model to determine the thermal state of the working blade of a high-temperature high-pressure gas turbine in the Ansys program. The process of preparation of geometric and grid models is described, the boundary conditions used to set up the project in Ansys CFX Pre are given. A method for determining the cooling efficiency factor using Ansys CFX Post is also presented. The distributions of the temperature field and the coefficient of cooling efficiency over the surfaces of the blade to be cooled are obtained. Integral values of the coefficient of cooling efficiency for the designed blade at various cooling air flow rates were compared with statistical data. On the basis of the comparison a conclusion was made that the working blade considered in the work corresponds to the modern level of cooling efficiency.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):98-111
pages 98-111 views

Ensuring vibration characteristics of reactor plant centrifugal pumping equipment

Savchuk D., Bescherov D., Kulikov D., Panov V., Patrushev V., Porfiriev M., Soloviev S.


Requirements of low vibration and low noise level are imposed on reactor plant centrifugal pumping equipment. Computational research of vibration characteristics of centrifugal pumping is required in order to choose the optimal design alternate. Representativeness and adequacy of computational research are ensured by using verified methods of mathematical modeling. The paper presents the results of comparative analysis of various options of centrifugal pump wet end with the hydraulics master data. Hydrodynamic flow analysis was made and pump impeller loads were determined to calculate the pump rotor rotational dynamics. The computational analysis considers the rotor residual unbalance. According to the calculations carried out the pump vibration characteristics were analyzed and compared to those of the prototype pump with low vibration characteristics.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):112-120
pages 112-120 views

Prospects of improving control over the process of electrochemical machining of the blade airfoil profile using the duplex mode method

Smirnov G., Shulepov A., Mescheryakov A.


The paper discusses the features of machining of a compressor blade airfoil. The problem of airfoil deformations under the action of residual stresses that negatively affect the accuracy of the relative position of the airfoil relative to the blade root is discussed. Methods of compensating for the effect of permanent deformations on the accuracy in blade machining and the impossibility of using this approach when the compressor blade is included in the duplex mode technology of electrochemical machining are specified. The analysis of the pattern of electrochemical machining of the blade airfoil with adjustment of the auxiliary technological base developed by the authors and the use of segmented electrodes showed the effectiveness of its use in order to compensate for airfoil deformations. We suggest measuring the interelectrode gaps in the machining chamber after refixturing the base in order to reduce the total machining time. We also suggest using the modernized electrochemical machining scheme when designing a CNC machine for the machining of a blade airfoil.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2023;22(1):121-131
pages 121-131 views

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