The problems of creating a propulsion system of a new generation supersonic passenger aircraft (review)

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The problems of creating a propulsion system for a new generation supersonic passenger aircraft are considered on the basis of a review of the work on the supersonic transport being carried out in the world. It is shown that the desire to achieve high flight performance and commercial effectiveness of a supersonic passenger aircraft while meeting up-to-date environmental requirements leads to contradictory technical solutions regarding the propulsion system: the location and number of engines, the scheme of the air intake and nozzle, the choice of the scheme and design parameters of the engine, the use of new high-temperature materials in the engine hot section, etc. The features of the operating conditions of the engine components of a supersonic passenger aircraft in comparison with the engines of up-to-date subsonic civil aviation aircraft and supersonic military aircraft are indicated. The calculated estimates of the influence of various technical solutions on the parameters of the supersonic passenger aircraft engine are given. Due to the complexity and multi-criterion nature of the task of creating a supersonic passenger aircraft propulsion system, its solution requires an integrated approach based on close cooperation of specialists in airframe aerodynamics, engine, etc.

About the authors

A. D. Alendar

Central Institute of Aviation Motors;
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5142-1257

Postgraduate Student

Russian Federation

A. I. Lanshin

Central Institute of Aviation Motors


Doctor of Science (Engineering), Senior Researcher, Advisor to the General Director for Science

Russian Federation

A. A. Evstigneev

Central Institute of Aviation Motors


Head of Sector of the Department of Aircraft Engines

Russian Federation

K. Ya. Yakubovsky

Central Institute of Aviation Motors


Researcher of the Department Design Bureau of Rotary Piston Engines

Russian Federation

M. V. Siluyanova

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3842-6803

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Technologies of Production and Operation of Aircraft Engines

Russian Federation


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