Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology

Journal «Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology» is a scientific publication, where the results of original research on sections: History, Pedagogics, Linguistics, Reviews are published. Published since 1995.

The mission of the journal is to disseminate in Russia and abroad new scientific ideas and the results of original research in the field of history, pedagogics and linguistics as the basic sciences of the humanitarian cycle, which have traditional heuristic relationships that create a special synergistic research effect both in mastering new trends in the development of these sciences and in revealing the features of various languages, history, culture, educational traditions in Russia and in the countries of near and far abroad.

Aims and objectives of the journal: attraction of authoritative authors to the journal; publication of the results of original scientific research (articles, surveys, reviews and reports on scientifi c literature) in the field of historical and pedagogical sciences and linguistics; creating conditions for the development and strengthening of integration of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of social and humanitarian research; promotion of the journal in the Russian and international markets, including by expanding the possibilities of disseminating and indexing scientific papers in the main databases in Russia and abroad.

Since 2003, the journal is included by the Higher Attestation Commission in the List of leading scientific journals and publications in the Russian Federation, where basic scientific results of doctoral theses should be published (Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science, the latest re-registration is December 1, 2015.

The Journal is included in bibliographic databases VINITI, Crossref, Cyberleninka and LanBook. Since 2005 full-text version of the journal is also available on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library Since 2005, the journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC).

Business model: the journal is funded by the founder, all articles are published free of charge.

All articles are reviewed in the program «Antiplagiat» and double-blind peer-reviewed.

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77 – 67842 от 28.11.2016

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