
Protection of the Rights of the Child in the Event of his Removal from the Family: Problems and Prospects for the Development of Legislation
Letova N.
Mediation as a Way to Resolve Family Disputes and Disagreements
Letova N.
Problems of Family Law at the Present Stage: Their Influence on the Practice of Applying Norms Aimed at Protecting the Family and Childhood
Letova N.
Features of Family Legal Responsibility in the Russian Legal System
Shepeleva D.
Family and Social Policy of the State at the Present Stage: Main Directions and Development Prospects
Letova N.
The Doctrine of Good Morals in Civil and Family Law: Some Aspects
Hamidullina F.
Adoption as a Priority form of Placement of Children Left Without Parental Care: New in Legal Regulation and Development Prospects
Letova N.
Legal Problems Related to the Process of Gender Reassignment and the Protection of the Rights of Intersex Patients in the Russian Federation
Dovnar A.
Bona Fides in Procedural Relations Related to the Protection of Property and Family Rights
Glebovsky Y.
To the Question of Criminal Liability of Adoptive Parents for Failure to Fulfill the Duties of Raising a Minor
Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva H.
The Legal Regime of Entrepreneurial Property is an Object of Joint Property of Spouses
Kudryavtseva L., Gidzev A.
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