Contractual beginning in voluntary (volunteer) activities and its impact on the rights of an inclusive volunteer in the Russian Federation




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In the given study, the author raises the actual problems of legal regulation of the contractual beginning in voluntary (volunteer) activities, where the work of volunteers who have a disability or limited health is involved: 1) the lack of imperativeness in the obligation to conclude an agreement with volunteers; 2) the difference in approaches to the form and content of the contract with inclusive volunteers. To solve the identified problems, the researcher proposes the introduction of specific changes to the current regulations, as well as the adoption of a separate federal law «On volunteering».


Aleksey Dovnar

FSAEI «National Research University «Higher School of Economics»

SPIN 代码: 1189-1937

Legal Adviser of the Center for Legal Expertise and Support of Educational Activities of the Directorate for Legal Affairs

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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