
Features of the Regulatory Impact of Sports Federations
Asadullin M.
Features of Family Legal Responsibility in the Russian Legal System
Shepeleva D.
«Accessory» as a Category in the Theory of Law
Trukhan R.
Topical Aspects of the Organization of Inter-budgetary Relations in Russia
Makashina O.
Protection of the Rights of the Child in the Event of his Removal from the Family: Problems and Prospects for the Development of Legislation
Letova N.
Models of State-Religious Relations Legal Regulation in Russia in Historical Retrospect
Zudov Y.
The Doctrine of Good Morals in Civil and Family Law: Some Aspects
Hamidullina F.
Developing the Competencies of Russian-Chinese Student Project Exchanges in the Field of Creative Industries: The Idea of a Startup Using Immersive Tourism Tools
Shaimieva E., Kokurina A., Gumerova G., Tazeeva K., Khaymur M.
Mediation as a Way to Resolve Family Disputes and Disagreements
Letova N.
Shortcomings in the Civil Law Regulation of Non-Residential Real Estate Rental Relations
Orudzhova D., Kluychnikova Y.
Hybrid Employment as a form of Integration of Private and Corporate Interests in the Field of Social and Labor Relations
Ananchenkova P., Krekova M.
Self-Employed as Pseudo-Subjects of Labor Relations
Moiseeva E., Chiranova I.
Legal Aspects of the Formation of the Land Use System in Russia in the XVIII Century
Dereglazov A.
Features of Civil legal Personality of Military Organizations
Markelova O., Zykova D.
Peculiarities of Legal Regulation of the Process of Terminating an Employment Contract with an AthLete and a Coach
Mishina N., Kurtynov I., Afanasiev M.
Current Approaches to Improving the Mechanism of Public-private Partnership in the Implementation of Joint Investment Projects
Melnikova D.
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