
Features of Legal Regulation of Contractual Legal Relations in the Field of Bank Lending to Small and Medium-sized Businesses
Sorokina E.
On the validity of the «browsewrap agreement»
Lomakina E.
International Legal Aspects of Development of the Treaty Relations between the USSR/Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland Regarding the Lease of the Soviet/Russian Part of the Saimaa Canal
Grigoryan A.
Problems of Legal Regulation of the Category of an Insured Event in Life and Health Insurance of Prosecutors
Galaeva L., Guryanova A.
Risk Category in Personal Insurance Contracts: Legal Aspects
Battakhov P., Ovchinnikova Y.
Standardization of Insurance Liability Agreements for Civil Servants
Khatuntsev O.
Civil Law Regulation of the Institute of Compensation for Losses in Russia
Gavrilov V., Druzhinina D., Svatuhina T.
Topical Issues on a Civil Law Contract in the Field of Paid Provision of Training Services
Nikulin A., Garnaya-Ivanova I., Belyalova A.
Balance of Efficiency and Security: Improvement of China's Personal Information Exit Compliance Path
Yanyan R., Siliu C.
Current Approaches to Improving the Mechanism of Public-private Partnership in the Implementation of Joint Investment Projects
Melnikova D.
Problematic Legal Issues of Forcing to Conclude Contracts for Water Supply and (or) Diversion by Means of State Melioration Systems or Hydraulic Structures: The Purpose of Legal Regulation and the Principle of State Efficiency
Sedova Z.
The Concept and Classification of the Contract on the Integrated Development of the Territory
Nosov D., Shchelkova Y.
Contractual beginning in voluntary (volunteer) activities and its impact on the rights of an inclusive volunteer in the Russian Federation
Dovnar A.
Shortcomings in the Civil Law Regulation of Non-Residential Real Estate Rental Relations
Orudzhova D., Kluychnikova Y.
Historical Stages of Formation of the Doctrine on the Protection of the Weak Party of the Contract
Kuzmina A., Lomakina E.
Some Aspects of the Consideration of Disputes Regarding the Conclusion, Execution and Termination of International Economic Agreements
Vilskaya N.
Issues of Law Enforcement in Insurance Relationships: New Trends
Ovchinnikova Y.
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