About some of the Public Health Problems that Emerged during the Pandemic and about the Possibilities of Solving them in Russia



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The article discusses some of the problems faced by national health systems in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic is defined as a public health emergency that represents a source of risks of global proportions and has demonstrated to national Governments the limits and limitations of public policy, and to the world community the urgent need for constant preparedness for such challenges in the future. The directions of improvement of the state policy in the field of health care in the context of the problems manifested during the pandemic are determined.

Sobre autores

David Davydov

North Ossetian State University. K.L. Khetagurov

Email: newrakurs2009@yandex.ru
Post-graduate student Vladikavkaz, Republic North Ossetia Alania, Russian Federation


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